Aiken Physicians Alliance (2024)

"}},"PREVIOUS_RESUME":"Select From Previous Resumes","PREVIOUSLY_UPLOADED":"Previously uploaded documents","EASYAPPLY-LINKEDIN-BUTTON-DESC":"By using LinkedIn we are able to quickly and efficiently pull all profile and job information with a single click.","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS_FORWARD":"Forward an email with your resume attached to: {{email}}","EASYAPPLY-OTHER-OPTIONS":"Or, one of the following:","EMAIL~OVERRIDDEN~":"Email","EMAIL_LATER":"I'll Send It Later","EMAIL_NOW":"My Resume is Sent"},"NO_CATEGORIES":"No Categories","OURMISSION-1--BG-IMG":"","BOX_1_BACKGROUND":"","AWARDS-6--BG-IMG":"","FACILITY_NAME":"Aiken Physicians Alliance","CTA_HEADER":"You are the key to a healthier world.","EEO":"is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.","REFERRALS":{"TRACK_REFERRAL":{"TILE":{"REFERRAL_EXPIRED":"Your employee referral life cycle has expired. Renew referral now.","REFERRAL_RENEW":"Refer to a new job to renew"}},"REFERRAL_SUCCESS":{"MESSAGE":"You’ve successfully submitted a referral for {{name}} to the {{jobTitle}} position in {{jobLocation}}.","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","TITLE":"Thank You!"},"REFER":{"START":{"BUTTON":"Get Started"},"MODAL":{"CHECK_STATUS":{"EMAIL":"Enter Email"},"START":{"REJECT":"Back","HEADER":"First, let's check your eligibility.","CONFIRM":"Check Email","BODY":"Since there is a limit for 1 referral within 2 years, we need to make sure you’re currently eligible to submit a referral. Enter your employee email below."},"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Not Eligible","BODY":"This person isn't eligible to be referred by you to the {{ title }} position. They have already been recommended before by another employee.","NEW_REFERRAL":"Refer Another Candidate"}}},"TRACK_REFERRALS":{"REFER_SOMEONE_ELSE":"Refer Someone Else","SHOW_MORE":"Show More","INVITED_TO_APPLY":"Invited to apply","REFERRAL_ROLE":{"APP":{"CREATED_AT":"Created at:","STARTED_ON":"Applied on:"}},"CANDIDATE_INFO":{"REFERRED_ON":"Referred On:","REFERRAL_COUNT":"# of Positions:","STATUS":"Status:","EXPIRED_LABEL":"Expired","TITLE":"You Referred","CONNECTED_UNTIL":"Connected Until:"},"HEADER":"You have {{ count }} Referrals","REFERRAL_INFO":{"UPDATED":"Updated"},"PORTAL":{"APPLICATIONS":{"HIRING_FLOW_STEP":{"RECEIVED":{"TITLE":"Referral Received"}}}},"SHOW_LESS":"Show Less"},"SUMMARY":{"TRACK_REFERRALS":"Track All Your Referrals","ACTIVE_REFERRALS":"Active Referrals","LATEST_REFERRAL":"Your Latest Referral"},"MESSAGES":{"ERROR_POPUP":{"TITLE":"Error","BODY":"Error Message. You should probably update the token."}},"SUMMARY_BAR":{"REFERRED_ON_INFO":"On {{date}} for the {{title}} Position in {{location}}"},"MAKE_REFERRAL":{"ABOUT_REFERRAL":"Tell us about your referral","PHONE":"Phone","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","MENTION_NO":"No","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","MENTION_YES":"Yes","FIRST_NAME":"First Name","FIT":"Why is this person a good fit?","SUBMIT_BUTTON":"Submit","MENTION":"Can we mention you when we reach out to this candidate?","TITLE":"Make a Referral","RELATIONSHIP":"What is your relationship to this person?"},"FAQ":{"MORE_FAQ":"More FAQs","ANSWER":{"1":"Test Referral FAQ Answer 1","2":"Test Referral Answer 2","3":"Test referrals faq answer 3","4":"Test faq referrals answer 4"},"HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions","SUBHEADER":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.","QUESTION":{"1":"Test FAQ Question 1","2":"Test Referral Question 2","3":"Testing Referrals Question 3","4":"Test referral faq question 4"}},"TABS":{"SEARCH_REFER":"Search Jobs & Refer","SEARCH":{"BUTTON":"Search Open Jobs"},"INFO_BLOCKS":{"SUB_TITLE":{"1":"Know someone who'd be a great fit?","2":"Follow their progress through the recruitment process."},"TITLE":{"1":"1. Refer","2":"2. Track"},"CONTENT":{"1":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.","2":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."}},"LEARN":{"BUTTON":" Learn More "},"ABOUT":"About","REFERRALS":"Your Referrals"},"MAIN":{"BANNER":{"TITLE":"Welcome back, {{fname}} {{lname}}!","HERO":""}},"ABOUT":{"VIDEO":""}},"CAP":{"ADD":{"QUESTION_SET":"Add Additional","ADDITIONALWORKEXPERIENCE":"Add Additional Work Experience"},"SHOW-MORE":"Show More","TOGGLE":{"PROFILE":"Profile","APPLICATIONS":"Applications"},"BUTTON":{"UPDATE_PROFILE":"Update Profile"},"UPDATED":"Updated","CAREER_CENTER":{"EMPTY_FILE_ICON":"","ERROR_BANNER":"","BANNER_IMAGE":"","CAREER_PATHING_BANNER":"","DISCOVERY_ICON1":"","DASHBOARD":{"DISCOVERY_IMAGE":""},"DISCOVERY_ICON2":"","DISCOVERY_ICON3":"","DISCOVERY_BANNER":""},"PERSONAL_INFO_TAB_HEADING":"Personal Information","SHOW-LESS":"Show Less","EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Employment History","PROFILE":{"FACEBOOK":{"URL":"Facebook URL"},"EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Employment History"},"CONTACT":{"METHOD":{"PHONE":"Phone","SMS":"SMS","LABEL":"Best communication method","EMAIL":"Email"},"TIME":{"MORNING":"Morning","EVENING":"Evening","AFTERNOON":"Afternoon","LABEL":"Best time to communicate"}},"RELOCATION":{"PREFERENCE":{"NO":"No","YES":"Yes","LABEL":"Willing to relocate?"}},"LINKEDIN":{"URL":""},"SKILLS":{"CV_PARSING_PROGRESS":"Resume parsing in progress...","NEW":{"ADDED":{"SKILLS":"New added skills"}},"NO_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Start building your skill profile","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"Before we can find any job match, we need you to start adding some skills.","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We cannot find any more suggestions.","CV_PARSING_HEADER":"Skills from your Resume","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_LINK":"/internal/jobs?view=personalization","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"These skills might be a good fit! Click on a suggestion to add it to your profile.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills to complete your profile.","CV_PARSING_FILE_TOOLTIP":"Format: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.odt,.rtf Size: 200mb","YOUR_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Your Skills","ADD_NEW_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Add New Skills","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Suggested Skills List","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION":"Your skills profile reflects who you are so make sure to highlight your strengths!","CURRENT":{"SKILLS":"Current skills"},"SELECT":"Select Type","FILE_TYPES":"File types","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_DESCRIPTION":"to see jobs matching your profile","TAB":"Skills","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LINK":"Click here&nbspto update your employment history and get new suggested skills.","UPLOAD_YOUR_CV":"Upload Your Resume","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Suggested Skills","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_SUBHEADER":"Your Skills Profile","PARSED_SKILLS_MODAL":{"CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_TEXT":"Got It","ADD_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add to Profile","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numSelectedSkills }} selected skills are ready to be added","NO_SKILLS_HEADER":"Oops! We couldn't find any skills to add to your profile.","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We might find new skills if you update your resume.","CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition","HEADER":"New skills were extracted from your resume!","PARSED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numParsedSkills }} suggested skills","SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION":"Selected skills were successfully added to your profile.","ERROR_DESCRIPTION":"All the skills we could extract from your resume are already listed in your skills profile.","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION_EMPTY":"0 selected skills","DESCRIPTION":"We have found {{ numSkills }} skills that you don't have in your profile. Click all that you consider yours.","ALL_SKILLS_SELECTED_MESSAGE":"All skills are selected, as shown above","PARSED_SKILLS_LIST":"Parsed Skills List","ERROR_HEADER":"Oops! We could not find any new skills.","SELECTED_SKILLS_LIST":"Selected Skills List","ADD_SKILLS_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add {{ numSkills }} Skills","SUCCESS_HEADER":"Congratulations, your skills profile is upgraded!","CANCEL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition"},"CV_PARSING_DESCRIPTION":"Check out the skills hidden in your profile."},"UPDATED":{"SUCCESSFULLY":"Profile updated successfully"},"SETTINGS":{"TAB":"Settings"},"ADDITIONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Additional Info"},"PERSONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Personal Information","PHONE":"Phone","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","LOCATION_PREFERENCE":"Work Location Preference","PHONE_TYPE":{"LABEL":"Phone Type","WORK":"Work","CELL":"Cell","HOME":"Home"},"FIRST_NAME":"First Name"},"EMAILS":{"TAB":"Emails & Alerts"},"VALIDATIONS":{"DATE":{"MIN":"Please enter a date after {{date}}.","MAX":"Please enter a date on or before {{date}}.","INVALID":"Please enter a valid date."},"PHONE":"Please enter a valid phone number.","REQUIRED":"This field is required.","EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address."},"EDUCATION_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Education History"},"SAVE_CHANGES":"Save Changes","CONTINUE":"Continue","UNSAVED":{"CHANGES":{"MESSAGE":"There are unsaved changes. If you quit without saving, changes you made will not be saved"}},"CATEGORY":{"LABEL":"Category"},"CANCEL":"Cancel","LEAVE":{"SKILL":{"PROFILE":"Leave skill profile?"}},"SAVE":"Save","NOTIFICATIONS":{"FROZEN":"Your account data is currently frozen. Please unfreeze your data to enable this form."},"TWITTER":{"URL":"Twitter URL"}},"UPLOAD":{"DOCUMENTS":"Your Documents"},"REMOVE":{"QUESTION_SET":"Remove"},"SKIP":"Skip to main content","UNEDITABLE_PROFILE_NOTICE":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact us if you feel any information is wrong.","TIPS-HEADER":"Tips & Guidance","APP-TOTAL":"You have {{param}} job applications","SIDEBAR":{"AUTHOR":"{{param}}"},"CAREER_STUDIO":{"PAGE_NOT_FOUND":{"TITLE":"404","BODY":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this page may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to return to the dashboard.","SUBTITLE":"The page you are looking for no longer exists."}},"EDUCATION_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Education History","NOTIFICATION":{"CLOSE":"Close"},"ARTICLE":{"BACK":"Back"},"APPLIED-ON":"Applied on:","APP-DETAILS":"Application Details","SEARCH-JOBS":"Search Jobs","ONBOARDING":{"ROLE":{"EDIT-2":"click here","LOCATION":"based in","EDIT-1":"If your information is not correct, please","JOB-TITLE":"You are a","MAILTO-SUBJECT":"Opportunity Career Place_ profile modification request","MAIN":"

Nice to meet you. 👋


Lets quickly set up your profile


to start having tailored recommendations.

","TITLE":"Let's begin with your profile!","GREETING":"Hey {{firstName}},","MAILTO-BODY":"Hello,%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nAs I am being onboarded on Test957 Opportunity Career Place, it seems my profile is not filled with the right information.%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nGiven information:%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nCorrect information:","EDIT-4":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact an administrator if you feel any information is wrong.","EDIT-3":"to contact us.","MAILTO-ADDRESS":""},"CAREER":{"GROWTH":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (1)","TEXT":"Highlight your strengths through your skills profile"},"VISIBLE":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (2)","TEXT":"Make your potential visible inside the company"}},"VALUE_PROPOSITIONS":{"TITLE":"Take ownership of your career growth"},"PAGE_LOADER":{"TITLE":"Collecting skills form your profile data…"},"SUGGESTED-SKILLS":{"DIALOG":{"BUTTON":"View job match","TITLE":"Your selection enables us to match your profile against open positions.","CONTENT":"Let’s have a look at it!"},"TEXT-1":"Add skills to your profile to get job recommendations","TEXT-2":"Here are the popular skills for the role of","SUBMIT-BUTTON":"Select {{numberOfSkills}} more skills","TEXT-3":"Select the skills that suit you! You will also be able to complete or change your profile later on the platform."},"INTERNAL":{"OPPORTUNITIES":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (3)","TEXT":"View company’s internal opportunities"}},"WELCOME":{"MEDIA_OR_TEXT":"media or text","MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (4)","TITLE":"Ready to boost your career development?","CONTENT":"Welcome to the Opportunity Career Place!
\nWe have designed this solution to empower your growth at SEQUOIA.
\nWe are excited for you to start a new journey with us.
\nBut first, let’s hear a few words from the peers who have successfully achieved their goals!","NEXT-BTN":"Next"},"SKILLS_KICKSTART":{"NO_SKILLS_INFO":"Running out of skills? Search above to add skills.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills..."},"JOB":{"RECOMENDATION":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (5)","TEXT":"Get job recommendation that fits you"}}},"FAQ":{"MORE_BUTTON":"MoreFAQs","HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions"},"APP-WITHDRAW":{"BUTTON_CONFIRM":"Withdraw","DIALOG_BODY":"Are you sure you want to withdraw your application for the position {{jobTitle}}? This cannot be undone.","NOTIFICATION_FAILURE":"Failed to withdraw your application to","NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS":"You have withdrawn your application to","BUTTON_DENY":"Do Not Withdraw","TITLE":"Withdraw Application","TEXTAREA_LABEL":"OPTIONAL: Please explain why you are withdrawing"}},"AWARDS-11--BG-IMG":"","TEST":{"TOKEN":"test token."},"AUTH":{"ERROR":{"ORG":{"NOT":{"FOUND":"Organization was not found(placeholder)"}},"USER":{"NOT":{"REGISTER":"User not register, please try another user."}},"DEFAULT":"Unexpected error, please try again"}},"JOBS_FILTER_TYPE":"Employment Type","LANDING_HERO_BG":"","AWARDS-2--BG-IMG":"","GDPR":{"COOKIE_CONSENT_CLOSE_ICON":"Close","APPLY_CONSENT_BODY":"

This career site protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.


We store anonymized interaction data in an aggregated form about visitors and their experiences on our site using cookies and tracking mechanisms. We use this data to fix site defects and improve the general user experience.


We request use of your data for the following purposes:


Job Application Data


This site may collect sensitive personal information as a necessary part of a job application. The data is collected to support one or more job applications, or to match you to future job opportunities. This data is stored and retained for a default period of 12 months to support job matching or improve the user experience for additional job applications. The data for each application is transferred to the Applicant Tracking System in order to move the application through the hiring process.
\nYou have the right to view, update, delete, export, or restrict further processing of your job application data. To exercise these rights, you can e-mail us at
\nConversion Tracking
\nWe store anonymized data on redirects to the career site that is used to measure the effectiveness of other vendors in sourcing job candidates.

\n\nLearn more about your career site data on our Privacy Policy page.


Consent and Data Privacy

","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","APPLY_CONSENT_DECLINE":"Decline","CLOSE":"x","APPLY_CONSENT_ACCEPT":"Accept","PIXEL_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Do you want a Cookie?","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","THIRDPARTY_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Anonymized data is stored for redirects to the career site tracking successful searches leading to job applications in effort to measure effectiveness of partners in sourcing job candidates and job searches. We request use of anonymized data to improve your experience on our site.","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Okay","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Accept","CONSENT_BUTTON":"Accept","COOKIE_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Cookies are used on this site to assist in continually improving the candidate experience and all the interaction data we store of our visitors is anonymous.\nLearn more about your rights on our Privacy Policy page."},"CRM":{"ISHIRED_FILTER_YES":"Yes","ISHIRED_FILTER_LABEL":"Current Employee","VIP_NAME":"VIP","SEARCH":{"TITLE":"Search"},"GROUP_LABEL":"Group","CANDIDATE_DETAIL":{"REFERRALS_DETAIL":{"SUBHEADER":{"REFERRER":"Referrer"}},"MAIN":{"INVITE_TO_JOIN_HEADER":"Invite to Join Nurture"},"HEADER":{"REFERRALS_TAB":"Referrals"},"BACKGROUND":{"PROFILE":{"MAIN_SECTION_BASIC_INFO_INELIGIBLE_LABEL":"Marked Ineligible Until","CONTACT_UNSUBSCRIBED":"Unsubscribed","CONTACT_SUBSCRIBED":"Subscribed"},"ACTIVITY":{"HIRING_STATUS_DATETIME":"Date/Time"}}},"SETTINGS":{"RECRUITER_MANAGEMENT":{"FORM_INPUT_ATSID_HELPER_TEXT":"This is located in Recruit on the top left the User Profile. It's also located on the Person Reporting page under \"Reporting & Advanced Options - General\" as \"System ID\".","FORM_INPUT_ATSID_PLACEHOLDER":"iCIMS System ID"}},"PIPELINE_LABEL":"Pipeline","RESULTS_TABLE":{"CURRENT_ROLE_HEADER":"Current Role"},"ADD_EDIT":{"ELIGIBILITY_INFORMATION":{"COUNTRIES_TITLE":"Which Countries?","FLUENT_TITLE":"Fluent Languages"},"SOCIAL_LINKS":{"TITLE":"Websites"}},"SCORE_LABEL":"Score","CANDIDATE_AUTH_LABEL":"Candidate Authenticated","PIPELINES_LABEL":"Pipeline","ISHIRED_FILTER_NO":"No","REFERRAL_SOURCE_NAME":"Referral Source","CANDIDATE_GENERATED":"Candidate Generated","CONSENT":{"TEXT":"CONSENT_VERSION={1.0.0}\n

This application protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Jibe will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.\n


We request use of your data for the following purposes:\n

\n User Authentication\n


\n This site retains personally identifiable information, specifically e-mail addresses, as a necessary part of user login. This data is retained for the duration of the user profile lifecycle and enables user authentication.\n


\n Usage Analytics\n


We store anonymized usage data to measure and improve the effectiveness of this CRM application in filling job requisitions and managing talent communities.\n


\n E-mails to Candidates\n


We collect your personal information such as name and email address. This information is used when you send marketing or contact emails to candidates.\n\n

\nClick here for a link to our Privacy Policy page."},"RECRUITER_GEN_LABEL":"Recruiter Generated","RECRUITER_GENERATED":"Recruiter Generated","JOB":{"RECRUITER":"Recruiter","HIRING_MANAGER":"Hiring Manager"}},"DATEPICKER":{"JANUARY":"January","JUNE":"June","MAY":"May","OCTOBER":"October","TODAY":"Today","DECEMBER":"December","FEBRUARY":"February","SEPTEMBER":"September","NOVEMBER":"November","SELECT_YEAR":"Select Year","MARCH":"March","AUGUST":"August","JULY":"July","APRIL":"April"},"FACILITY_LOGO":"","HERO_HEADER":"Join Our Team","SIGNUP":{"GROUP":{"PERSONALINFORMATION":{"LABEL":"Personal Information"},"EMPLOYERSEEKING":{"LABEL":"Employer Seeking"},"SKILLS":{"LABEL":"Skills"},"EMPLOYMENTHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Employment History"},"EDUCATIONHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Education History"}}},"COMPLETE":{"TRACKING_PIXELS":""},"https://cms":{"jibecdn":{"com/prod/uhs/assets/OPENGRAPH-IMAGE-en-us-1570128598515":{"jpg":""}}},"PROFILE":{"NO_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"You have not completed any applications","UNABLE":"We were unable to retrieve your submitted applications. Try refreshing the page.","LOGOUT_ERROR":"There was an error logging out. Please try again.","MANAGE_PROFILE":"Manage Profile","HEADER":"User Profile","COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"Completed Applications"},"KENEXA":{"ERROR_MESSAGE":{"QUESTIONS":{"328":"The username/Email was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again."},"FORGOT":{"16":"The answer to your security question must be less than 50 characters.","211":"Your new password must not be the same as a recently used password.","212":"Password cannot be the same as the username.","243":"You have attempted to change your password twice within a 24hrs period. For your security, password changes are only allowed once per day. Please wait 24hrs to reset your password again.","251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","253":"Your password must not be the same as any of the 5 preceding passwords.","404":"Incorrect Security Answer."},"CREATE":{"251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\\\"?/|\\\\`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","311":"Your log in credentials cannot be validated. You may have created an account in the past, if so please click the 'forgot your password' link to reset your password.","315":"Your password may not be the same as your login e-mail address.","319":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","320":"Your password must be between 8 and 25 characters.","322":"Invalid Security Question.","327":"Your username must not include the following characters: < >.","404":"The answers you provided do not match the answers to your security questions. Please try again.","428":"Security questions and answers must be unique."},"LOGIN":{"202":"Unable to find that email/password in the system.","203":"The account has been locked out due to excessive invalid login attempts. Please try again later.","204":"The login was successful; however, a password reset is required.","205":"The site requested is inactive or does not exist."}},"SECURITY":{"ANSWER":{"LABEL":"Security Answer"},"QUESTION":{"1":"What is the name of your first school?","2":"Where is your favorite vacation spot?","3":"What is your mother's maiden name?","4":"What is your first pet’s name?","5":"What is the first car you owned?","6":"What is the name of your favorite restaurant?","7":"What is your paternal grandfather’s first name?","8":"What is your father’s middle name?","9":"What is the city of your first school?","10":"What is the name of the street on which you lived when you were 5 years old?","LABEL":"Security Question"}},"RESET":{"SUBMIT":"Reset Password","HEADER":"Password Recovery"}},"SEARCH_HERO_BG":"","JIBE1_ERROR":{"AP107":"New Password cannot be shorter than 8 characters.","AP106":"Please supply the correct Current Password.","AP109":"New Password must contain at least one lowercase character (a-z).","AP108":"New Password cannot be longer than 20 characters.","AP110":"New Password must contain at least one uppercase character (A-Z).","AP101":"Your username or password is incorrect.","AP112":"New Password must contain at least one special character character (~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =).","AP111":"New Password must contain at least one numeric character (0-9).","CC103":"The maximum number of requests has been exceeded.","AP103":"There is no email address registered to this user account.","CC102":"Your account has been locked.","AP102":"The login identifier is invalid.","AP113":"New Password can contain only the following characters (a-Z, A-Z, 0-9) and these symbols: ~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =","CC101":"The applicant profile with this email address already exists.","AP105":"You are not permitted to change your password.","AP104":"The New Password Confirmation does not match the New Password."},"VHS":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"SUBHEADER":"Stay connected for the latest jobs and careers at The Valley Health System"}},"CTA_SUBHEADER":"Varius Odio Nec","BOX_2_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER":"is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc., a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.\n

\nUHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to \"UHS\" or \"UHS facilities\" including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services' subsidiaries. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.","OURMISSION-2--BG-IMG":"","JIBE_SIGNUP_SUBMIT":"Submit","NO_LOCATIONS":"No locations","BOX_4_HEADER":"Physicians","APPLY":{"COMPLETE_RESUME_GOOGLE":"Your resume from Google Drive was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_1_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","SELECT_LIST_PLACEHOLDER":"Select..","INFO_PAGE":{"PLEASE_VERIFY":"A message has been sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions to verify your email address."},"COMPLETE_RESUME_TEXT":"The resume you entered was attached to your application.","COMPLETE_RESUME_DEFAULT":"If you uploaded a resume, it was attached to your application.","SUBMIT_QUESTION_ERROR":"There was an error submitting this question, please try again.","VERIFY":{"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Verification Issue","BODY":"

There was an error verifying your account. Please click here to return home and try again.

"}},"COMPLETE_HEADER":"Your application for {{jobTitle}} has been successfully submitted! ","COMPLETE_SURVEY_POPUP":"We are currently conducting a survey based on your recent application/recruiting experience. We value your feedback, and would appreciate if you took just a few moments to respond to a few questions","OPTIONAL":"Optional","REPEAT_QUESTION":"Add Another","UPLOAD_RESUME_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your resume.","COMPLETE":{"UNVERIFIED":""},"ASSESSMENT_URL_FAILURE":"Assessment Not Received","COMPLETE_RESUME_LINKEDIN":"Your Linkedin profile was attached to your application.","EMAIL_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a valid email address","GO_HOME":"Careers Home","REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR":"Required","COMPLETE_RESUME_DROPBOX":"Your resume from Dropbox was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_2_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/YYYY.","PROGRESS_HEADER":"Your Progress","DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","COMPLETE_MESSAGE":"A member of our Talent Acquisition Team will review your application, and contact you if your skills and experience match the position requirements. We invite you to view the job openings available in our Career section and to further explore the functionalities of your account.

\nBack To Search","SELECT_LIST_LABEL":"form dropdown select","ASSESSMENT_HEADER":"You are almost done...just a few more steps to go!","ASSESSMENT_URL_SUCCESS":"Assessment URL Received {{assessmentUrl}} ","COMPLETE_RESUME_SKYDRIVE":"Your resume from SkyDrive was attached to your application.","EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is associated with a profile. An email has been sent for you to access your profile dashboard.","ALREADY_EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is already associated with a profile.","COMPLETE_RESUME_EMAIL":"If you have not emailed your resume yet, please check your inbox and follow the instructions emailed to you to expedite your application submission.","KNOCKOUT_MESSAGE":"Thank you for your interest in this position. Based on your application, we have determined that you are not eligible at this time. If you feel this is a mistake, you can go back and update your application.","UPLOAD_SUCCESS":"Upload Success","TYPE_FOR_RESULTS":"Type for results","DATE_FORMAT_3_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/DD/YYY.","KNOCKOUT_HEADER":"You are not eligible for this position.","UPLOAD_CV_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your cover letter.","REMOVE_QUESTION":"Remove","ASSESSMENT_MESSAGE":"


You are about to enter an assessment system which is proprietary software developed and produced by Kenexa Technology, Inc. The content in this questionnaire has been developed by Kenexa Technology, Inc., Kenexa’s Suppliers and/or Yum Restaurant Services Group, Inc.’s (“Company”) third party content providers and is protected by International Copyright Law. Under no condition may the content be copied, transmitted, reproduced or reconstructed, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without express written consent by Kenexa Technology, Inc. or the applicable third party content provider. Under no circ*mstances will Kenexa Technology, Inc. be responsible for content created or provided by Company’s third party content providers.



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Unless otherwise directed by the Questionnaire Administrator, you are only authorized to take each requested questionnaire once. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. All Kenexa SelectorTM questionnaires are monitored.

","SELECT_ALL":"Select All","UPLOAD_EMAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE":"There was an error sending you an email. Please try again.","LOCATION_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please select a valid location from the dropdown","ASSESSMENT_URL_WAITING":"Waiting for assessment URL","COMPLETE_RESUME_FILE":"The resume you uploaded was attached to your application.","BIG_DECIMAL_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a valid integer or decimal.","ASSESSMENT":{"IS_REQUIRED":"This field is required.","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","FIRST_NAME":"First Name"},"GO_HOME_LI":"Return to LinkedIn"},"SHINE":{"LOGO":""},"VALLEY_HEALTH":{"EEO":"The Valley Health System is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws."},"HERO_SUBHEAD":"Your Career Starts Here","AWARDS-3--BG-IMG":"","API":{"SAML_ERROR":"Uh oh. There's been an error."},"refreshTime":"2024-05-03T23:01:16.384Z"}, ALL_TRANSLATIONS: undefined, CURRENT_LOCALE_TRANSLATIONS: {"GET_REFERRED":{"TOOLTIP_TITLE":"What is Get Referred?","INSTRUCTIONS":"Get Referred™ is a new way for you to explore career opportunities at {{companyName}}. With Get Referred™, you now have the ability to search your social and professional networks for {{companyName}} employees and ask them to personally refer you for an open position. The process is very easy. Simply choose the job you would like to be referred for, upload your CV and cover letter, search your networks for someone you know who works at {{companyName}} and then send in your request!","BUTTON":"Get Referred","TOOLTIP_BTN":"How Get Referred Works"},"NO_BRANDS":"No brands","PRIMARY_COLOR":"144b86","role-search":{"search-bar":{"back":"Back"}},"PERSONALIZATION":{"ADD":"Add","GET_JOBS":"Get Jobs","PARAGRAPH":"Answer a few short questions and we will match you with our jobs.","ADDITIONAL_SUBTITLE":"Supplying this information will further improve the quality of your matches.","OPTIONAL":"*Optional","USE_REMOTE_JOBS":"Include remote jobs","PRIVACY_POLICY_TEXT":"Privacy Policy","REVIEW_RESUME":"Review Resume","UPLOAD":"Upload","FULL_TIME":"Full Time","CURRENT_STEP":"Current step in Job Matching flow","CONNECT_EXISTING_ACCOUNT":"Sign into existing account","PART_TIME":"Part Time","ENTRY_LEVEL":"Entry Level","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_HEADER":"No matches found","CONNECT_LINKEDIN":"Connect with Linkedin","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_SUBHEADER":"Edit your search criteria or CV to receive new results.","TOGGLE_REMOTE_JOBS":"Include remote jobs in search","SKILLS-BANNER":{"PARA":"Hey {{fname}}, Take opportunities! With right skills, you will get Job Match that fits you better.","HEADER":"Wow! We found new skills for you.","BUTTON-TEXT":"Update My Skills"},"JOB_TYPE":"Desired Job Type","PROFILE_SUBTITLE":"Your profile offers detailed information required for our algorithm.","RECOMMENDATIONS_HEADER":"Review your matches","KEYWORDS_HEADER":"Enter Relevant Keywords.","LOCATION_HEADER":"Enter Location","LOADING":"Loading","LOCATION":"Location","RETURN_TO_STEP":"Return to step in Job Matching flow","BROWSE":"Browse","SENIORITY":"Experience Level","PROFILE_TITLE":"Select Your Profile","USE_CV_LOCATION":"Filter by this location","CONTRACT":"Contract","FIND_MYJOBS":"Start Here","RECOMMENDATIONS_SUBHEADER":"Edit your matching criteria to receive updated results.","MID_LEVEL":"Mid Level","KEYWORDS_SUBTITLE":"Keywords help support and enrich your profile data.","ADDITIONAL_HEADER":"Provide Additional Information.","NEXT":"Next","START_OVER":"Start Over","REMOVE":"Remove","CONTACT_INFORMATION":"Contact Information","PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK":"","SENIOR_LEVEL":"Senior Level","ENTER_LOCATION":"Enter a Location","LOCATION_SUBTITLE":"We will show you matches centered around this location.","OR":"or","WORK_HISTORY":"Work History","UPLOAD_TITLE":"Upload a resume","JOB_SEARCH":"Job Search","PRIVACY_DISCLAIMER":"Data Privacy Notice","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_PARA":"Try using different match criteria or starting a new search? Try searching without your profile.","RESUME_UPLOADED":"Resume Uploaded","EDUCATION_HISTORY":"Education History","PRIVACY_ERROR":"You must acknowledge this message to proceed.","CANCEL":"Cancel","BACK":"Back","TITLE":"Find Your Job Matches","PRIVACY_AGREEMENT":"I understand the data I upload during this session will be processed for Job Matching but none of my data, including any Personally identifiable Information will be saved.","KEYWORDS":"Search Keywords"},"REFERRAL":{"MODAL":{"CHECK_STATUS":{"BUTTON":"Check email","HEADER":"Great! Now let's check if your candidate has been referred","EMAIL":"Referral's email address","BODY":"This step will confirm nobody else is linked to your candidate"},"START":{"REJECT":"Yes","HEADER":"Start your referral","CONFIRM":"No","BODY":"Is this potential candidate an active or fixed term employee, current contractor, co-op or intern at J&J?"},"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Sorry, that candidate is not eligible for employee referral at this time","BODY":"The person with this email address has either already been linked to another company employee for referral or is in a position that is not eligible for the Employee Referral Program","NEW_REFERRAL":"Refer Another Candidate"}}},"BOX_1_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","NO_STATE":"No state","CURRENT_YEAR":"{{currentYear}}","FB_CHAT":{"GREETING_OUT":"How can I help you?","GREETING_IN":"How can I help you?"},"CREDO":{"INTRO_HEADING":"Intro","NEXT_BTN":"Next Page","COMPLETE_TEXT":"You've completed this page! Click below to continue with the application.","COMPLETE_HEADING":"Finish","INTRO_ADDON":"Please answer these questions thoughtfully, as your responses will directly impact your eligibility to be considered for an open role.","START_BTN":"OK"},"REG_OR_TEMP":"Regular/Temporary:","INDEED_ICON":"","LOGIN":{"FACEBOOK":"Connect with Facebook","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirm Password","FORGOT_LINK":"Forgot password?","CURRENT_PASSWORD":"Current Password","EMAIL_CREATE":"Register with Email","FIRSTNAME":"First name","SELECT_ONE":"Select...","VERIFY":"Verify email","EMAIL":"Email","RATE_LIMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE":"Account locked out due to invalid attempts, please try again after 10 mins","CONFIRM_EMAIL":"Confirm Email","URL":{"ERRORDESCRIPTION":"Login Error Description"},"FORGOT":{"SUCCESS_CREATED":"If you have an account registered under this email address, you will receive a password reset email shortly.","INVALID_FORGOT":"Incorrect username and email combination.","SUBMIT":"Submit","TITLE~OVERRIDDEN~":"Reset Password","SUCCESS_UPDATED":"Your account has been successfully updated.","USERNAME":"Forgot Username?","TITLE":{"PASSWORD":"Reset Password","USERNAME":"Forgot Username"},"INVALID_UPDATE":"Password given not valid.","INVALID_SESSION":"Session has expired.","LOGIN_LINK":"Return to Login?"},"LASTNAME":"Last name","GENDER":"Gender","LINK":"Or, Login to your account","USERNAME":"Username","EMAIL_TYPE":"Email Type","GOOGLE":"Connect with Google","REGISTER":{"SUBMIT":"Register","LINK":"Or, create your account","TITLE":"Register","LOGIN_LINK":"Already a user? Login!","INVALID_REGISTRATION":"Invalid registration used. Please verify fields."},"PRIVACY_POLICY":{"CANCEL":"Disagree","SUBMIT":"Agree","BODY_CONT2":"","ERROR":"You must accept to continue","TITLE":"Privacy Policy","BODY":"

In order to create an account with us and submit applications for positions with our company you must read the following Terms and Agreements and select to agree before registering.

In the event that you do not accept our Terms and Agreements you will not be able to submit applications for positions with our company.

You agree to the storage of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications within our system. Your personal and application data and any attached text or documentation are retained by Jibe Apply in accordance with our record retention policy and applicable laws.

You agree that all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications created by you may be used by us for our recruitment purposes, including for automated job matching. It is specifically agreed that we will make use of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications for recruitment purposes only and will not make this information available to any third party unconnected with the our recruitment processes.

Your registration and access to our Careers Web Site indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Agreements.

","BODY_CONT":""},"EMAIL_OPTION":{"HEADER":"Login with your email account"},"LINKEDIN":"Connect with Linkedin","VALIDATIONS":{"CONTACT":"At least one method of contact is required","WRONG_INFO":"Wrong information. Please try again!","EMAIL_FORMAT":"Invalid email","FIRSTNAME":"First name not filled","EMAIL":"Email not filled","SECURITY_ANSWER":"Security Answer not filled","PASSWORD":"Password not filled","LASTNAME":"Last name not filled","PASSWORD-REQUIREMENTS":"Password must contain at least 1 lower case letter, 1 capital letter (A-Z), 1 special character (!@#$%^&*), and a number (0-9)","AGREE":"Please Agree to the Privacy Policy","GENDER":"Gender not selected","PASSWORD_MISMATCH":"Passwords Do Not Match","USERNAME":"Username not filled"},"PLACEHOLDER":{"CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD":"Confirm New Password","NEW_PASSWORD":"New Password","PASSWORD":"Password","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirm Password","LASTNAME":"Last name","CURRENT_PASSWORD":"Current Password","GENDER":"Gender","USERNAME":"Username","FIRSTNAME":"First name","EMAIL":"Email"},"REGISTER_LINK":"Not a user? Register!","HELPER_TEXT":"","INVALID_LOGIN":"Incorrect username and password combination.","PASSWORD":"Password","SUBMIT":"Log In","TITLE":"Login","FORGOT_USERNAME":{"TITLE":"Forgot Username"},"ATS_UNAVAILABLE":"The applicant tracking system is unavailable at this time, please try again later.","VERIFICATION":{"BODY":"

Dear ${user.firstName},


Thanks for choosing to apply for a job with ${}! Please verify ownership of your email address by clicking this link.


Alternatively, you can verify your account by pasting this URL into your browser:


Please note that your job application will not be submitted to ${} until you have successfully verified ownership of your email address.




The ${} Recruiting Team

"}},"ERROR":{"NO_JOBS_404":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this job may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to perform a new job search.","NO_APPLICATIONS_404":"We’re sorry, but it looks like we cannot find your job application. Please click here to perform a new job search.","PAGE_NOT_EXISTS":"The page you are looking for no longer exists."},"candidate_connect":{"cc_signup":{"error_blank_input":"Please fill out all fields."},"email_signup":{"error_blank_input":"Please fill out all fields.","error_network":"There was an error processing your request. Please try again later.","error_title":"Error","success_title":"Success!","error_invalid":"Please enter a valid email address.","success_button":"Continue","success_paragraph":"Thanks for subscribing. Check your email shortly for a confirmation.","error_existing_email":"This candidate profile already exists.","userExists_paragraph":"A message has been sent to your email address . Please follow the instructions to verify it.","userExists_title":"Success!"}},"AWARDS-22--BG-IMG":"","INTRO_COPY":"Your passion, inspiration, and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. UHS can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development.","JOB_DESCRIPTION":{"LOCATION":"Location","TAGS7":"Minimum Hiring Rate","TAGS8":"Maximum Hiring Rate","LOCATION_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Location","REQ_ID":"Req ID","TAGS3":"Shift","EMPLOYMENT_TYPE":"Position Type:","REQ_ID_ARIA_LABEL":"Job ID","TAGS4":"Facility Name","SKILLS":"Skills:","DESCRIPTION_HEADING":"Job Description","CATEGORIES":"Categories","BRAND":"Facility:","CATEGORIES_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Category","BACK":"Back","STREET_ADDRESS":"Street Address:","LOCATION_NAME":"Facility"},"SEARCH":{"NO_CITIES":"No cities","NO_LOCATIONS":"No locations","NO_BRANDS":"No brands","NO_CATEGORIES":"No categories","NO_COUNTRY":"No country","NO_STATE":"No states"},"VALIDATION":{"EMAIL_DOMAIN":"Invalid Email Domain"},"AWARDS-4--BG-IMG":"","SECONDARY_COLOR":"0595af","OURMISSION-3--BG-IMG":"","VALIDATIONS":{"CURRENTDAY":"Please select today","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirmed Password does not match","SAMEMONTH":"Start and end date for same job can't be in the same month","PHONE":"Please enter a valid phone number.","AT_LEAST_ONE":"You must choose at least one answer.","GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO":"Must be greater than or equal to {{param}}.","MINLENGTH":"Please enter at least {{param}} characters.","MINVALUE":"Please enter a value greater than or equal to {{param}}.","EQUAL_TO":"Must be equal to {{param}}.","EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address.","CONTINUOUS":"This end date has to be the same month or sooner to the above start date. A single history cannot have the same month for start and end dates.","MAXDATE":"Please select a date before {{param}}.","LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO":"Must be less than or equal to {{param}}.","PATTERN":"This is not a valid format.","GREATER_THAN":"Must be greater than {{param}}.","NOT_UNIQUE":"Please enter/select a unique value.","ZIPCODE~OVERRIDDEN~":"Please enter a valid postal code.","LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be equal to or before {{param}}.","GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be equal to or after {{param}}.","MINDATE":"Please select a date after {{param}}.","DATEFORMAT":"Please enter a valid date.","NUMERIC":"Please enter a valid number.","TODAY":"Please select today's date {{param}}","ZIPCODE":{"ADVANCE":"Invalid postal code."},"REQUIRED":"This field is required.","LESS_THAN":"Must be less than {{param}}.","MAXLENGTH":"Please enter no more than {{param}} characters.","EMAIL_REQUIRED":"This field is required.","SSN":"Please enter a valid SSN.","GENERIC":"Please enter a valid input.","PASSWORD":"The password field is required.","EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be the same as {{param}}.","GREATER_THAN_DATE":"Date must be after {{param}}.","MAXVALUE":"Please enter a value less than or equal to {{param}}.","TEXTUAL":"Please only enter text.","LESS_THAN_DATE":"Date must be before {{param}}."},"BOX_2_BACKGROUND":"","TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"JIBE_INPUT-STATE-PLACEHOLDER":"State","JIBE_INPUT-PREFERRED-SKILLS":"Preferred Skills","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_CATEGORY":"To select more than one Job Category, please hold down CTRL and Return keys.","DEPENDENT_ERROR_PHONES":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields","JIBE_INPUT-NON_COMPETE":"Non-compete in place with your current employer?","JIBE_LABEL-SELECT_AN_OPTION":"-- Select an Option --","FORM_ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE":"Error uploading file. Try again","TAKEN_EMAIL_ALERT":"A profile with this email already exists in the system. Please login.","JIBE_INPUT-LAST_NAME-PLACEHOLDER":"Last Name","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_CONSENT":"I agree to share my profile with recruiters and receive occasional emails about new career opportunities. I agree to the Privacy Policy.","ALERTS_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUBHEADER":"You have been unsubscribed from all job alerts.","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_TYPE_HOME":"Home","JIBE_INPUT-ELIGIBILITY_EU":"Eligible to work in the EU?","JIBE_INPUT-CAMPAIGN_CONSENT_TITLE":"Campaign Consent","JIBE_SIGNUP_ERROR":"This Email Already Exists","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_ALERTS":"I wish to opt-in to receive email notifications of new jobs and opportunities.","JIBE_INPUT-ELIGIBILITY_US":"Eligible to work in the US?","JIBE_RESTRICTED_EMAIL_ERROR":"This action could not be completed.","JIBE_INPUT-HEADLINE-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Headline","DEPENDENT_ERROR":{"LINKS":{"TYPEID":"Both value and type are required for Link fields. Please fill out the Link Type","VALUE":"Both value and type are required for Link fields. Please fill out the Link"},"PHONES":{"TYPEID":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields. Please fill out the Phone Type","VALUE":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields. Please fill out the Phone Number"}},"EVENT_LISTING":{"EVENT_NAME_DESC":"Event name (z - a)","FILTER_LABEL_VENUECITY":"City","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_p":"Professional","SORT_BY":"Sort by","START_DATE_ASC":"Start date (asc)","I":"In person","LOCATION_COLUMN_TITLE":"Location","EVENT_NAME_ASC":"Event name (a - z)","LOCATION_LABEL":"Location","FILTER_LABEL_VENUECOUNTRY":"Country","EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_TITLE":"Event type","FILTER_LABEL_VENUESTATE":"State","FILTER_LABEL_EVENTCATEGORY":"Event Category","KEYWORD_LABEL":"Keyword","FILTER_LABEL_SCHOOL":"School","T":"TBD","V":"Virtual","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_e":"Executive","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_f":"Frontline","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_c":"Campus","START_DATE_DESC":"Start date (desc)","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_d":"Designate Program","REGISTER":"Register","FILTER_LABEL_VENUE":"Venue","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE":"Recruitment Type","SEARCH":"Search","EVENT_TYPE_LABEL":"Event type","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_ct":"Contractor","RELEVANCE":"Relevance","DATE_AND_TIME_LABEL":"Date and time"},"JIBE_INPUT-GROUP":"Location","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_TYPE":"Phone Type","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-ELIGIBILITY":"Eligibility



","JIBE_INPUT-ADDRESS2-PLACEHOLDER":"Address 2","JIBE_THANKS_SUBHEADER":"Check your email for instructions to log in and edit your information. \nOur recruiters will reach out to you if opportunities open up that match your experience and preferences.","JIBE_INPUT-RELOCATION_PREFERENCE_YES":"Yes","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME_AFTERNOON":"Afternoon","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_CONSENT_TITLE":"Consent","JIBE_INPUT-LAST_NAME":"Last Name","FORM_PROCESSING_FILE":"Processing file...","JIBE_INPUT-COUNTRY":"Country","JIBE_INPUT-EMAIL-PLACEHOLDER":"Email Address","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_TITLE":"Title","JIBE_INPUT-SEEKING_LEVEL":"Seeking Level","JIBE_INPUT-ZIP_CODE":"Postal Code","JIBE_INPUT-TITLE-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Title","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_METHOD_PHONE":"Phone","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_MAJOR":"Major","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_HIRED":"Was Hired","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_MAJOR-PLACEHOLDER":"Major","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_ALERTS_CONSENT":"I want to receive job alerts for my category and location preferences and agree to the Privacy Policy","DEPENDENT_ERROR_LINKS":"Both value and type are required for Link fields","JIBE_INPUT-LANGUAGES":"Languages","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-CONTACT":"Contact Info


","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_METHOD":"Contact Method","JIBE_INPUT-LOCATION_PREFERENCES-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Locations (Include Country and City)","JIBE_INPUT-FIRST_NAME":"First Name","JIBE_INPUT-SEEKING_STATUS":"Seeking Status","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_SCHOOL-PLACEHOLDER":"School","FORM_ERROR_FILL_RESUME":"Error filling resume data to fields","SIGNUP_ERROR":{"CC-104":"Email address already in use"},"JIBE_INPUT-SKILLS":"Skills","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_LEVEL":"Education Level","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_CURRENT":"Is Current","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_TITLE-PLACEHOLDER":"Title","ERROR_SUBMITTING_FORM":"It looks like we are having trouble processing your submission. Please check for any validation errors and try again.","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_JOB_ALERT_TITLE":"Job Alerts","DEPENDENT_ERROR_PHONES_AND_LINKS":"Both value and type are required for Phone and Link fields","JIBE_INPUT-CAMPAIGN_CONSENT":"I want to be subscribed to campaign email messages about career opportunities and I agree to the Privacy Policy","FORM_ERROR_INVALID_UPLOAD_TYPE":"This file type is not currently supported. Please try again using a supported file type.","FORM_UPLOAD_BUTTON_LABEL":"Choose File","NO_CONSENT_ERROR":"You must accept the privacy policy before submitting","SUBMIT_BUTTON_TEXT":"Submit","JIBE_INPUT-RESUME_UPLOAD":"Resume Upload","UNSUBSCRIBE_HEADER":"Unsubscribe","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME":"Contact Time","JIBE_SIGNUP_SUBMIT":"Submit","FORMS":{"FIX_SUBMIT_ERRORS":"Submission failed. Please review the fields and resolve any errors."},"FORM_DEFAULT_FILE_LABEL":"No file chosen","JIBE_INPUT-CITY":"City","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-EDUCATION_HISTORY":"Education

","CAMPAIGN_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUBHEADER":"You have been unsubscribed from all email notifications.","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_NUMBER":"Phone Number","JIBE_INPUT-EXPERIENCE_LEVEL":"Years of Work Experience","JIBE_INPUT-HEADLINE":"Headline","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME_EVENING":"Evening","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_NUMBER-PLACEHOLDER":"Phone Number"},"OMP":{"LOADING":"Loading results matching your profile...","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_SUBHEADER":"Try to update your skills to have new suggestions or start a new job search."},"HERO_BACKGROUND":"","ONBOARDING":{"PRIVACY":{"HEADING":"Privacy Policy","PARA":"

In order to create an account with us and submit applications for positions with our company you must read the following Terms and Agreements and select to agree before registering.


In the event that you do not accept our Terms and Agreements you will not be able to submit applications for positions with our company.


You agree to the storage of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications within our system. Your personal and application data and any attached text or documentation are retained by Sequoia Apply in accordance with our record retention policy and applicable laws.


You agree that all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications created by you may be used by us for our recruitment purposes, including for automated job matching. It is specifically agreed that we will make use of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications for recruitment purposes only and will not make this information available to any third party unconnected with the our recruitment processes.


Your registration and access to our Careers Web Site indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Agreements.

","DECLINE-MSG":"You cannot proceed without accepting the Privacy Policy.","BUTTON-2":"Disagree","BUTTON-1":"Agree"}},"BOX_1_HEADER":"Corporate","BOX_3_HEADER":"University Relations","BOX_3_BACKGROUND":"","WEBSITE_LINK":"","FAVICON":"","HEADER":{"NAV_LOGO":""},"EVENTBRITE":{"EVENTS":{"TITLE":"Upcoming Events"},"NO-EVENTS":{"TITLE":"Sorry, there are no upcoming events."}},"BOX_4_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","BOX_3_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","LANDING":{"JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_1_COPY":"We are determined to be responsive and compassionate to the needs of those in our care.","JOIN_TEAM_HEADER":"Join Our Team","BENEFIT_6":"Flexible Spending Accounts","BENEFIT_5":"Retirement & Savings","BENEFIT_4":"Insurance & Income Protection","BENEFIT_6_ICON":"","BENEFIT_3":"Vision","BENEFIT_2":"Dental","BENEFIT_1":"Medical","EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS_HEADER":"Employee Benefits","BENEFIT_3_ICON":"","SEARCH_BUTTON_COPY":"Begin your career search","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_1_HEADER":"Patients are our top priority","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_2_HEADER":"Uncompromised standards","EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS_COPY":"offers healthcare, life insurance and disability benefits to help meet the needs of employees and their families. As our employee, you may be eligible to choose from a comprehensive list of benefits and select those that best meet the needs of you and your family. Among the benefits available to eligible employees are:","BENEFIT_1_ICON":"","BENEFIT_4_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_3_COPY":"We are committed to meeting the diverse needs of the communities we serve.","ABOUT_FACILITY":"

Aiken Physicians Alliance provides dedicated primary and specialty care for you and your family. Our family medicine providers are devoted to treating the whole person and provide comprehensive care for people of all ages. Our specialists are highly trained and experienced and work as part of an interdisciplinary team to provide care to patients. Aiken Physicians Alliance offers Primary Care, Cardiology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pulmonology and Urology Care. You will work with a Care Team of physicians, advanced practitioners and staff providing compassionate and quality care. We have a welcoming environment and believe in strong team engagement.


Aiken Physicians Alliance is affiliated with Aiken Regional Medical Centers, a 273-bed acute care facility offering a comprehensive range of specialties and services. Aiken Regional Medical Center has been ranked a top hospital in South Carolina by the Carolina Center for Medical Excellence for its treatment of heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia and has been recognized as an “A” rated facility by the Leapfrog Group.


Aiken, South Carolina, named 2018 “Best Small Town in the South” by Southern Living magazine, is the perfect place for young professionals, growing families and retirees. With an annual average of 216 sunny days per year, there’s ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.


Aiken is ideally located a short two-hour drive to the beaches, mountains and major metropolitan areas. We also have easy access to airports in Augusta, Columbia, and Atlanta.


Also recognized by Southern Living as one of the South’s best food cities, Aiken offers a variety of unforgettable culinary experiences. In addition to its culinary delights, Aiken’s vibrant historic Downtown area features quaint shops and entertainment. The Alley Downtown hosts fun festivals and concert series year-round.


Aiken’s arts scene is rich with talent featuring diverse local, national and international visual and performing artists. Aiken is a modern cosmopolitan, immersed in charm and history. Aiken really is the South’s best small town. Come join us.

","BENEFIT_2_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_2_COPY":"We are dedicated to the highest standards of quality, talent and ethics.","BENEFIT_5_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_3_HEADER":"Community Investment","JOIN_TEAM_PARAGRAPH_BOTTOM":"Quality healthcare is our passion, improving lives is our reward. We are working to change lives and transform the delivery of healthcare. In this endeavor, we uphold the following values:","JOIN_TEAM_PARAGRAPH_TOP":"Your passion, inspiration and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. Our facility can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development."},"CTA_BACKGROUND":"","AWARDS-21--BG-IMG":"","HERO--BACKGROUND":"","NOTIFICATIONS":{"NOT_LOGGED_IN":"You must be logged in to continue.","UNKNOWN_ERROR":"An unknown server error occurred. Please reload the page and try again."},"TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_1":"/the-northern-nevada-health-system/talentcommunity/signup","TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_2":"/the-valley-health-system/talentcommunity/signup","mailto-svg":"","TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_3":"/the-george-washington-university-hospital/talentcommunity/signup","GWU":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"SUBHEADER":"Are you interested in learning more about opportunities with The George Washington University Hospital?"}},"NO_CITY":"No city","No_COUNTRY":"No country","JOB_ALERTS":{"TOGGLE_ALERT":"Sign up for Job Alerts","DELETE_MODAL_TITLE":"CONFIRM DELETION","NO_ALERTS":"No Job Alerts","CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS_SUBTEXT":"Check your inbox, starting tomorrow, for jobs containing the following keywords","ERROR_NETWORK_SUBTEXT":"Unfortunately, our network is not responding. Please try again later.","DELETE_MODAL_PROMPT":"Are you sure you want to delete this job alert?","ERROR_EMAIL":"Email empty or invalid","MANAGER_HEADER":"Saved Job Alerts","CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS":"Your job alert was successfully created.","ERROR_NETWORK":"Your job alert was NOT created."},"TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK":"/signup/talentcommunity","FOOTER":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"HEADER":"Join Our Talent Community","SUBHEADER":"Are you interested in learning more about opportunities with UHS?"},"COPYRIGHT":"© {{currentYear}} Universal Health Services, Inc. All rights reserved"},"GLOBAL_DISCLAIMER":"UHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., the management company for Universal Health Services, Inc. and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company and operates through its subsidiaries including its management company, UHS of Delaware, Inc. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. To the extent any reference to \"UHS\" or \"UHS facilities\" on this website including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein relates to our healthcare or management operations it is referring to Universal Health Services' subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of Universal Health Services' subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware. Any employment referenced in this website is not with Universal Health Services, Inc. but solely with one of its subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware, Inc.\n

\nAll employment at “UHS” is with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc., including its management company, UHS of Delaware, Inc. Universal Health Services is a holding company.","VERIFY_LOGIN":{"HELPER_TEXT":"

Enter your email address to continue. You'll be asked to either log in or create a new account.

","SUBMIT":"Submit","TITLE":"Enter Your Email"},"AWARDS-5--BG-IMG":"","TC":{"SUCCESS":{"HEADING":"Success!","CTA_BUTTON_TEXT":"Continue Searching for Jobs","PARAGRAPH":"We’ve received your information and will keep you in mind if an opportunity becomes available that is a good match with your background.

\nContinue applying to jobs you’re interested in here.","CTA_BUTTON_URL":"Link"},"INACTIVE":{"HEADING":"Event Inactive","PARAGRAPH":"This event is no longer active. Please apply to jobs you’re interested in here."},"CONNECT":{"PARA-COPY":"Landing the right opportunity is all about forming the right connections. Take a moment to join, and guarantee youself access to recruiters, job opportunities and events.","HEADER-COPY":"Making the Connection","TILE-3":{"PARA":"Keep your background up to date","HEADER":"Update"},"TILE-2":{"PARA":"Get contacted by recruiters for new jobs","HEADER":"Connect"},"TILE-1":{"PARA":"Build your Candidate Profile","HEADER":"Build"}},"HERO":{"LINK-TEXT-5":"Click here.","LINK-PARA-2":"Or add your resume","LINK-PARA-3":"Already a member?","LINK-TEXT-2":"Join with Email","LINK-TEXT-1":"Join with Linkedin","UPLOAD-TEXT":"Upload","HEADER":"Let iCIMS Find Jobs for You","LINK-TEXT-4":"Upload","LINK-TEXT-3":"Dropbox","PARA-2":"Or add your resume","PARA-1":"Let iCIMS Find Jobs for You","JOIN_EMAIL_TEXT":"Or join with email","ADD_RESUME_TEXT":"Add your resume","PARA-3":"Already a member?","DROPBOX-TEXT":"Dropbox"},"RESUME":{"ERROR":"Error uploading resume"}},"PORTAL":{"CONTAINER-HEADER":"Candidate Applications","EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY":{"NAV_TITLE":"Employment History","JOB_DESCRIPTION":"Job Description","EMPLOYER":"Employer","NO_EMPLOYMENT":"No Employment Added","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"JOB_DESCRIPTION":"Job Description","EMPLOYER":"Employer","JOB_TITLE":"Job Title","END_DATE":"End Date","CURRENT_JOB":"Current Job?","START_DATE":"Start Date"},"JOB_TITLE":"Job Title","END_DATE":"End Date","CURRENT_JOB":"Current Job?","START_DATE":"Start Date","TITLE":"Employment History"},"CREATE":{"ERRORS":{"FILE":"Invalid Extension. 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This cannot be undone.","CUSTOMER_ATS_LINK":"here","TITLE":"Permanently Delete Account?"},"UNFREEZE_DATA":"Unfreeze my Stored Data","AUTOFILL_PROFILE_BUTTON":"Autofill","DOWNLOAD":"Download","SUBSCRIBE_PROMPT":"I would like to receive email communications for marketing and/or general engagement purposes.","EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE":"You've been unsubscribed","FREEZE_DATA":"Freeze My Stored Data","DOWNLOAD_MY_DATA":"Download My Stored Data","DELETE_INFO":"Permanently Delete All My Data","DELETE_BUTTON_TEXT":"Delete","DELETE_USERDATA":"Please confirm your account deletion on your email","FREEZE_DIALOG":{"CANCEL":"CANCEL","PROMPT":"This will remove your data from processing in our system, including your applications, and remove your ability to log into the candidate portal.","TITLE":"Freeze Data"},"AUTOFILL_PROFILE":"Autofill your profile from a resume","TITLE":"Settings","FREEZE_BUTTON_TEXT":"FREEZE"},"UNFREEZE_DATA_BUTTON_TEXT":"UNFREEZE","RECOMMENDATIONS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Recommended Jobs","SUPERFIT_SUBHEADER":"Recruiters will see you're a SuperFit for these jobs!","APPLY_NOW":"APPLY NOW","TITLE":"Recommended Jobs"},"APPLICATIONS":{"CONTENT_SECTION_SUBHEADER":"We curated these articles specifically for you","NAV_TITLE":"Applications","APPLICATIONS":"My Applications","APPLIED_ON_DATE":"Applied On: {{date}}","UPDATED_DATE":"Updated on: {{date}}","EMPTY":{"BUTTON_TEXT":"Find Your Perfect Job","CONTENT_TEXT":"You don't have any job applications yet."},"JOB_DESCRIPTION_GOTO":"View Job Description","HIRING_FLOW_STEP":{"WITHDRAWN":{"TITLE":"Withdrawn"},"NEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"Things are moving along! 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Feedback will be shared by the Recruiter and/or Hiring Manager.","TITLE":"Interview","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"HIRED":{"DESCRIPTION":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this job may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to perform a new job search.","TITLE":"Hired","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"DECLINED":{"DESCRIPTION":"You have withdrawn this employment application from the hiring process.","TITLE":"Application Withdrawn","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"2NDINTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"You've made it to the business interview stage! Next up, you'll be interviewed by the Hiring Manager and other team members. You will be able to talk through your relevant experience and ask the team questions. We are here to help you prepare.","TITLE":"Business Interviews","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"RECEIVED":{"DESCRIPTION":"We have received your application & it is in the review stage. We have an internal team ensuring you submitted a complete application & meet the basic qualifications for the role.","TITLE":"Application Received","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"TESTING":{"DESCRIPTION":"Test Hiring Status","TITLE":"Testing"},"PIPELINE":{"DESCRIPTION":"Your application is currently being reviewed by the system.","TITLE":"Application In Transit","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"1STINTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"The interview team is looking through all the applicants to pick out the ideal candidate for the role. They'll then put a job offer together.","TIME":"Usually takes 2 weeks","TITLE":"Talent Acquisition Review","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"FIRST_INTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"The assigned Recruiter for the role is reviewing your application and resume to determine a match. They may try to connect via phone or email to ask additional questions.","TITLE":"Recruiter Screening","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"REJECTED":{"DESCRIPTION":"Sorry, you are no longer under consideration or you have withdrawn your application. We encourage you to explore additional opportunities with us.","TITLE":"No Longer Under Consideration","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"}}},"LABEL":{"DATA_LOADING":"Data Loading"},"REMOVE":"Remove","LOGIN":{"HEADER":"Log in to track your applications and so much more"},"LOGOS":{"HEALTHSOUTH":"","MOUNTSINAI":""},"SAVE":"Save","CERTIFICATIONS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Certifications","TITLE":"Certifications"},"YOUR_JOBS":"Your Jobs","SKILLS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Skills","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"TYPE_SELECT":"Select Type"},"TITLE":"Skills"},"SAVED_JOBS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Saved Jobs","EMPTY_TEXT":"No Saved Jobs","TITLE":"Saved Jobs"},"CONTAINER-NAV-2":"Archived Applications","LOGO_URL":"https://{{}}","CONTAINER-NAV-3":"Incomplete Applications","CREATE_PROFILE":{"VALIDATION_ERROR":"All required questions must be answered to save this page."},"HERO-IMG":"","EDUCATION_HISTORY":{"NAV_TITLE":"Education History","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"SCHOOL":"School","MAJOR":"Major","END_DATE":"End 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Please try again later.","TITLE":"Get future jobs matching this search","CAPTCHA_ERROR":"Please submit Captcha.","EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER":"Enter email address","PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK":"/auth/1/privacy-policy"},"LESS_CATEGORIES":"Less categories...","NO_RESULTS_LOCATION":"Results within your range.","BRANDS":"Facility Name","COMMUTE_SEARCH_MODAL_TITLE":"Commute Search","MULTIPLE":"Multiple","SEARCH_BY_LOCATION":"Search Location","FIND":"Find Jobs","TITLE_A-Z":"Title Asc","FULL_TIME":"Full Time","FILTER_LOCATION_TYPE_LAT_LNG":"No","PART_TIME":"Part Time","POSTED_DATE_ARIA_LABEL":"Posted Date","COMMUTE_SEARCH_MODAL_TITLE_EDIT":"Edit Commute","NEARBY_CITY":"Nearby Locations","LESS_BRANDS":"Less brands...","FOR":"for","DISTANCEUNITS_SCREENREADER_TEXT":"Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to select KM or MILES","JOB_DESCRIPTION_LOCATIONS_LINK":"Locations:","BRAND":"Facility Name","REFER-REWARD":"Referral reward for this job","CHANGE_SEARCH_BY_LOCATION":"Change to Location","COMMUTE_SEARCH":{"LOCATION":{"REQUIRED_FIELD":"* Indicates a required field"},"MODAL_TITLE":"Commute Search","UPDATE_COMMUTE":"Update Commute","CLOSE":"Close","FROM":"From","TO_JOBS":"to jobs within","SAVE_COMMUTE":"Save Commute","MODAL_TITLE_EDIT":"Edit Commute","ROAD_TRAFFIC":"Include Traffic Estimation","CANCEL":"Cancel","START_OVER":"Start Over","LOCATION_TITLE":"Starting Location*","MAXIMUM_TIME":"Maximum Time (Minutes)","LOCATION_ERROR":"You must select a location.","PREFERRED_MODE":"Preferred Transportation"},"KEYWORD_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER":"Search Keyword","RELEVANCE":"Relevance","KEYWORD_SEARCH_LABEL":"Search Keyword, Category or Job Title","ARIA_LABEL":{"REFER":"Refer someone for"},"DISTANCE_FROM":"Distance","LESS":"Less","SEARCH_RESULT_RANGE":"Total Jobs","STATE_HEADER":"By State / Province","COUNTRY_LABEL":"Country","SHARE_JOB":"Share Job","INCLUDE_TRAFFIC_ESTIMATION":"Include Traffic Estimation","REFER":"Refer","CATEGORY_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Category","EXPERIENCE_LEVEL":"Career Level","JOB_MATCHING":"Job Matching","ALL_JOBS":"All Jobs","SELECT_JOB_LANGUAGE":"Select job language","CITIES":"Cities","SEE_JOBS_BY":"See jobs by","USE_CURRENT_LOCATION":"Use my current location","NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE_2":"We could not find any matching jobs in {{location}}","CLOSE_DESCRIPTION":"Close description","TAGS_LABEL":"Job Type","CURRENT_LOCATION":"Your current location","CATEGORIES_LINK":"Categories","TITLE_Z-A":"Title Desc","SEARCH_LOCATION_LABEL":"Location Search","COUNTRY_HEADER":"By Country","DISTANCE_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER":"Select distance","RESULTS":"results","SEARCH_LOCATIONS_LINK":"Location","CHANGE_SEARCH_BY_COMMUTE":"Change to Commute","FILTER":"Filter","ALL_LOCATIONS":"All locations","SELECT_BRANDS":"Select Brands","COMMUTE_SEARCH_LOCATION_TITLE":"Starting Location","LOCATION_SEARCH_LABEL":"Search Locations","DID_YOU_MEAN":"Did you mean ","FEATURED_JOBS":"Featured Jobs","JOB_SEARCH":"Job Search","FILTER_LOCATION_TYPE_ANY":"Yes","COMMUTE_SEARCH_SELECT":"Commute Search","MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS":"Multiple Locations:","WITH":"with","CURRENT_LOCATION_DENIED":"Your browser settings have prevented us from using your current location. 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View our full privacy policy here."},"PRE_LOGIN":{"ACCEPT":"Yes","DECLINE":"No"},"UHS_FACILITY_IMG_ER-SS":"","BOX_4_BACKGROUND":"","TALENTNETWORK":{"JOIN_CC":"Join our talent network and we will contact you when a job matches your skillset.","HOME_URL":"/","SUB_HEADER":"Join our talent community","SUCCESS_MESSAGE":"Thank you for joining our Talent Network. We will keep you updated.","JOIN_CC_BUTTON":"Join Now","HEADER_BG_IMAGE_URL":"add image url","HEADER":"Join Our Talent Network"},"FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_1":"is operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_2":"UHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to “UHS” or “UHS facilities” including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services’ subsidiaries. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_3":"is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.","UI":{"BACK_TO_TOP":"Back to Top","HEADER_LOGOUT":"Logout","MILES":"Miles","CAREERS_TITLE":"{{companyName}} Careers","LOGIN_ERROR":"You must be logged in to access your submitted applications.","FILTERS":"Filters","SKIP_TO_MAIN":"Skip to Main Content","NEARBY_FIFTY_MILES":"within 50 miles","NEARBY_HUNDRED_MILES":"within 100 miles","JOBAPPLY_LITIMEOUTERROR":"Timeout -- LinkedIn API did not respond","JOIN_NOW":"Join Now","NEARBY_SELECT_100_MILES":"within 100 miles","UNSUPPORTED_NEW":"

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Try a different browser or follow these directions to disable content blocking on Firefox and Safari.","BACK":"Back","MINUTES":"mins","NEARBY_SELECT_KM":"within {{nearbyDistance}} kilometers","NEXT_DISABLED":{"INFO":"All required questions must be answered to save this page."},"BY_CAR":"","SHOW_LESS":"Show less"},"OUROPPORTUNITIES-LEFT--BG-IMG":"","UPLOAD":{"PREVIEW_DOCUMENT":{"NOT_SUPPORTED":"The preview for your document will open in your native document viewer.","CLICK_TO_PREVIEW":"Please click the link below:","SKILLS":"SKILLS","PRESENT":"Present","EMPLOYMENT_INFORMATION":"EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION","UPLOADED_WITH":"Uploaded Resume with","INVALID_WARNING":"Sorry! We were not able to display your document.","EDUCATION_INFORMATION":"EDUCATION INFORMATION","GENERAL_INFORMATION":"GENERAL INFORMATION"},"GOOGLE_DRIVE":"Google Drive","WELCOME_THANKS_AGAIN":"Thanks again for your interest.","FILE_HEADER":"Files","APPLY_WITH_RESUME":"Use Saved Resume or Upload New Resume","BASIC_HEADER":"Or, enter your resume below:","FILE_UPLOADING":"Uploading","WELCOME":"Welcome","EMAIL":{"ERROR_MESSAGE":"There was a problem sending out the email, please try again"},"FILE_NAME":"File Name","CHOOSE_ANOTHER":"","EASYAPPLY-LINKEDIN-BUTTON":"Upload your resume using LinkedIn","PREVIEW_RESUME":"Preview Your Resume","EASYAPPLY-INSTRUCTIONS":"Please select a Resume Upload Option","HOW_TO_PROCEED":"How would you like to proceed?","FILE_TYPES_HEADER":"Accepted file types:","ADDITIONAL_DOCS":{"DESCRIPTION":"If you have additional documents you would like to share, please choose from the options below to upload them. Otherwise, click \"Next\" to continue.","CHOOSE":"Select document type","PREVIOUS_HEADER":"Use a previously uploaded document:","TYPE_IN":"Type In Document","HEADER":"Upload Additional Documents","RESTRICTIONS":"You can upload one file for each document type","PREVIOUS":"Select from previously uploaded files","OPTIONS_HEADER":"Or, upload a new document using one of the following:"},"DOC_TYPES":{"OTHER":"Other","CERTIFICATIONS":"Certifications","LETTER_OF_RECOMMENDATION":"Letter of Recommendation","EMPLOYEMENT_CERTIFICATE":"Employment Certificate","REFERENCE_LIST":"Reference List","TRANSCRIPT":"Transcript","COVER_LETTER":"Cover Letter","PORTFOLIO":"Portfolio","RESUME":"Résumé","WRITING_SAMPLE":"Writing Sample"},"LINKEDIN":"LinkedIn","INVALID_EMAIL":"You must enter a valid email address","FILE_UPLOAD":"File Upload","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS_REPLY":"Or, reply to the email sent to {{email}} with your resume attached.","MUST":"Please upload or select a saved resume to continue","FILE_SIZE_MAX":"Up to 1","SELECTED":"Upload Selected Document","TYPE_IN_HEADER":"Enter or paste your desired text","UPLOADED_FILES_HEADER":"Uploaded Files","FILE_UPLOADED":"Uploaded","WRONG_MIME_TYPE":"The type of file you are trying to upload is not supported, please try a different one.","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS":"To submit your resume for this position, please complete one of the options below:","TOO_LARGE":"The file you are trying to upload is too large, please verify you are using the right file and try again.","PREVIOUS_HEADER":"Use a previously uploaded resume:","TYPE_IN":"Type-in Resume","APPLY_WITH_COVER_LETTER":"Apply With Cover Letter","LIST":{"NO_FILES":"No documents"},"EMAIL_RESUME_TEMPLATE":{"SUBJECT":"Your job application isn't complete!","BODY":"


Thanks for starting your application to {{companyName}}.

To complete your application you must do one of the following:

Forward an email from your mobile device with your resume attached to {{fromEmail}}


Reply to this email from your laptop or desktop computer with your resume attached.

Thank you for your interest,
The Recruiting Team

"}},"PREVIOUS_RESUME":"Select From Previous Resumes","PREVIOUSLY_UPLOADED":"Previously uploaded documents","EASYAPPLY-LINKEDIN-BUTTON-DESC":"By using LinkedIn we are able to quickly and efficiently pull all profile and job information with a single click.","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS_FORWARD":"Forward an email with your resume attached to: {{email}}","EASYAPPLY-OTHER-OPTIONS":"Or, one of the following:","EMAIL~OVERRIDDEN~":"Email","EMAIL_LATER":"I'll Send It Later","EMAIL_NOW":"My Resume is Sent"},"NO_CATEGORIES":"No Categories","OURMISSION-1--BG-IMG":"","BOX_1_BACKGROUND":"","AWARDS-6--BG-IMG":"","FACILITY_NAME":"Aiken Physicians Alliance","CTA_HEADER":"You are the key to a healthier world.","EEO":"is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.","REFERRALS":{"TRACK_REFERRAL":{"TILE":{"REFERRAL_EXPIRED":"Your employee referral life cycle has expired. Renew referral now.","REFERRAL_RENEW":"Refer to a new job to renew"}},"REFERRAL_SUCCESS":{"MESSAGE":"You’ve successfully submitted a referral for {{name}} to the {{jobTitle}} position in {{jobLocation}}.","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","TITLE":"Thank You!"},"REFER":{"START":{"BUTTON":"Get Started"},"MODAL":{"CHECK_STATUS":{"EMAIL":"Enter Email"},"START":{"REJECT":"Back","HEADER":"First, let's check your eligibility.","CONFIRM":"Check Email","BODY":"Since there is a limit for 1 referral within 2 years, we need to make sure you’re currently eligible to submit a referral. Enter your employee email below."},"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Not Eligible","BODY":"This person isn't eligible to be referred by you to the {{ title }} position. They have already been recommended before by another employee.","NEW_REFERRAL":"Refer Another Candidate"}}},"TRACK_REFERRALS":{"REFER_SOMEONE_ELSE":"Refer Someone Else","SHOW_MORE":"Show More","INVITED_TO_APPLY":"Invited to apply","REFERRAL_ROLE":{"APP":{"CREATED_AT":"Created at:","STARTED_ON":"Applied on:"}},"CANDIDATE_INFO":{"REFERRED_ON":"Referred On:","REFERRAL_COUNT":"# of Positions:","STATUS":"Status:","EXPIRED_LABEL":"Expired","TITLE":"You Referred","CONNECTED_UNTIL":"Connected Until:"},"HEADER":"You have {{ count }} Referrals","REFERRAL_INFO":{"UPDATED":"Updated"},"PORTAL":{"APPLICATIONS":{"HIRING_FLOW_STEP":{"RECEIVED":{"TITLE":"Referral Received"}}}},"SHOW_LESS":"Show Less"},"SUMMARY":{"TRACK_REFERRALS":"Track All Your Referrals","ACTIVE_REFERRALS":"Active Referrals","LATEST_REFERRAL":"Your Latest Referral"},"MESSAGES":{"ERROR_POPUP":{"TITLE":"Error","BODY":"Error Message. You should probably update the token."}},"SUMMARY_BAR":{"REFERRED_ON_INFO":"On {{date}} for the {{title}} Position in {{location}}"},"MAKE_REFERRAL":{"ABOUT_REFERRAL":"Tell us about your referral","PHONE":"Phone","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","MENTION_NO":"No","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","MENTION_YES":"Yes","FIRST_NAME":"First Name","FIT":"Why is this person a good fit?","SUBMIT_BUTTON":"Submit","MENTION":"Can we mention you when we reach out to this candidate?","TITLE":"Make a Referral","RELATIONSHIP":"What is your relationship to this person?"},"FAQ":{"MORE_FAQ":"More FAQs","ANSWER":{"1":"Test Referral FAQ Answer 1","2":"Test Referral Answer 2","3":"Test referrals faq answer 3","4":"Test faq referrals answer 4"},"HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions","SUBHEADER":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.","QUESTION":{"1":"Test FAQ Question 1","2":"Test Referral Question 2","3":"Testing Referrals Question 3","4":"Test referral faq question 4"}},"TABS":{"SEARCH_REFER":"Search Jobs & Refer","SEARCH":{"BUTTON":"Search Open Jobs"},"INFO_BLOCKS":{"SUB_TITLE":{"1":"Know someone who'd be a great fit?","2":"Follow their progress through the recruitment process."},"TITLE":{"1":"1. Refer","2":"2. Track"},"CONTENT":{"1":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.","2":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."}},"LEARN":{"BUTTON":" Learn More "},"ABOUT":"About","REFERRALS":"Your Referrals"},"MAIN":{"BANNER":{"TITLE":"Welcome back, {{fname}} {{lname}}!","HERO":""}},"ABOUT":{"VIDEO":""}},"CAP":{"ADD":{"QUESTION_SET":"Add Additional","ADDITIONALWORKEXPERIENCE":"Add Additional Work Experience"},"SHOW-MORE":"Show More","TOGGLE":{"PROFILE":"Profile","APPLICATIONS":"Applications"},"BUTTON":{"UPDATE_PROFILE":"Update Profile"},"UPDATED":"Updated","CAREER_CENTER":{"EMPTY_FILE_ICON":"","ERROR_BANNER":"","BANNER_IMAGE":"","CAREER_PATHING_BANNER":"","DISCOVERY_ICON1":"","DASHBOARD":{"DISCOVERY_IMAGE":""},"DISCOVERY_ICON2":"","DISCOVERY_ICON3":"","DISCOVERY_BANNER":""},"PERSONAL_INFO_TAB_HEADING":"Personal Information","SHOW-LESS":"Show Less","EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Employment History","PROFILE":{"FACEBOOK":{"URL":"Facebook URL"},"EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Employment History"},"CONTACT":{"METHOD":{"PHONE":"Phone","SMS":"SMS","LABEL":"Best communication method","EMAIL":"Email"},"TIME":{"MORNING":"Morning","EVENING":"Evening","AFTERNOON":"Afternoon","LABEL":"Best time to communicate"}},"RELOCATION":{"PREFERENCE":{"NO":"No","YES":"Yes","LABEL":"Willing to relocate?"}},"LINKEDIN":{"URL":""},"SKILLS":{"CV_PARSING_PROGRESS":"Resume parsing in progress...","NEW":{"ADDED":{"SKILLS":"New added skills"}},"NO_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Start building your skill profile","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"Before we can find any job match, we need you to start adding some skills.","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We cannot find any more suggestions.","CV_PARSING_HEADER":"Skills from your Resume","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_LINK":"/internal/jobs?view=personalization","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"These skills might be a good fit! Click on a suggestion to add it to your profile.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills to complete your profile.","CV_PARSING_FILE_TOOLTIP":"Format: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.odt,.rtf Size: 200mb","YOUR_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Your Skills","ADD_NEW_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Add New Skills","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Suggested Skills List","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION":"Your skills profile reflects who you are so make sure to highlight your strengths!","CURRENT":{"SKILLS":"Current skills"},"SELECT":"Select Type","FILE_TYPES":"File types","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_DESCRIPTION":"to see jobs matching your profile","TAB":"Skills","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LINK":"Click here&nbspto update your employment history and get new suggested skills.","UPLOAD_YOUR_CV":"Upload Your Resume","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Suggested Skills","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_SUBHEADER":"Your Skills Profile","PARSED_SKILLS_MODAL":{"CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_TEXT":"Got It","ADD_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add to Profile","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numSelectedSkills }} selected skills are ready to be added","NO_SKILLS_HEADER":"Oops! We couldn't find any skills to add to your profile.","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We might find new skills if you update your resume.","CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition","HEADER":"New skills were extracted from your resume!","PARSED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numParsedSkills }} suggested skills","SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION":"Selected skills were successfully added to your profile.","ERROR_DESCRIPTION":"All the skills we could extract from your resume are already listed in your skills profile.","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION_EMPTY":"0 selected skills","DESCRIPTION":"We have found {{ numSkills }} skills that you don't have in your profile. Click all that you consider yours.","ALL_SKILLS_SELECTED_MESSAGE":"All skills are selected, as shown above","PARSED_SKILLS_LIST":"Parsed Skills List","ERROR_HEADER":"Oops! We could not find any new skills.","SELECTED_SKILLS_LIST":"Selected Skills List","ADD_SKILLS_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add {{ numSkills }} Skills","SUCCESS_HEADER":"Congratulations, your skills profile is upgraded!","CANCEL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition"},"CV_PARSING_DESCRIPTION":"Check out the skills hidden in your profile."},"UPDATED":{"SUCCESSFULLY":"Profile updated successfully"},"SETTINGS":{"TAB":"Settings"},"ADDITIONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Additional Info"},"PERSONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Personal Information","PHONE":"Phone","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","LOCATION_PREFERENCE":"Work Location Preference","PHONE_TYPE":{"LABEL":"Phone Type","WORK":"Work","CELL":"Cell","HOME":"Home"},"FIRST_NAME":"First Name"},"EMAILS":{"TAB":"Emails & Alerts"},"VALIDATIONS":{"DATE":{"MIN":"Please enter a date after {{date}}.","MAX":"Please enter a date on or before {{date}}.","INVALID":"Please enter a valid date."},"PHONE":"Please enter a valid phone number.","REQUIRED":"This field is required.","EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address."},"EDUCATION_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Education History"},"SAVE_CHANGES":"Save Changes","CONTINUE":"Continue","UNSAVED":{"CHANGES":{"MESSAGE":"There are unsaved changes. If you quit without saving, changes you made will not be saved"}},"CATEGORY":{"LABEL":"Category"},"CANCEL":"Cancel","LEAVE":{"SKILL":{"PROFILE":"Leave skill profile?"}},"SAVE":"Save","NOTIFICATIONS":{"FROZEN":"Your account data is currently frozen. Please unfreeze your data to enable this form."},"TWITTER":{"URL":"Twitter URL"}},"UPLOAD":{"DOCUMENTS":"Your Documents"},"REMOVE":{"QUESTION_SET":"Remove"},"SKIP":"Skip to main content","UNEDITABLE_PROFILE_NOTICE":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact us if you feel any information is wrong.","TIPS-HEADER":"Tips & Guidance","APP-TOTAL":"You have {{param}} job applications","SIDEBAR":{"AUTHOR":"{{param}}"},"CAREER_STUDIO":{"PAGE_NOT_FOUND":{"TITLE":"404","BODY":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this page may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to return to the dashboard.","SUBTITLE":"The page you are looking for no longer exists."}},"EDUCATION_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Education History","NOTIFICATION":{"CLOSE":"Close"},"ARTICLE":{"BACK":"Back"},"APPLIED-ON":"Applied on:","APP-DETAILS":"Application Details","SEARCH-JOBS":"Search Jobs","ONBOARDING":{"ROLE":{"EDIT-2":"click here","LOCATION":"based in","EDIT-1":"If your information is not correct, please","JOB-TITLE":"You are a","MAILTO-SUBJECT":"Opportunity Career Place_ profile modification request","MAIN":"

Nice to meet you. 👋


Lets quickly set up your profile


to start having tailored recommendations.

","TITLE":"Let's begin with your profile!","GREETING":"Hey {{firstName}},","MAILTO-BODY":"Hello,%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nAs I am being onboarded on Test957 Opportunity Career Place, it seems my profile is not filled with the right information.%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nGiven information:%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nCorrect information:","EDIT-4":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact an administrator if you feel any information is wrong.","EDIT-3":"to contact us.","MAILTO-ADDRESS":""},"CAREER":{"GROWTH":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (6)","TEXT":"Highlight your strengths through your skills profile"},"VISIBLE":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (7)","TEXT":"Make your potential visible inside the company"}},"VALUE_PROPOSITIONS":{"TITLE":"Take ownership of your career growth"},"PAGE_LOADER":{"TITLE":"Collecting skills form your profile data…"},"SUGGESTED-SKILLS":{"DIALOG":{"BUTTON":"View job match","TITLE":"Your selection enables us to match your profile against open positions.","CONTENT":"Let’s have a look at it!"},"TEXT-1":"Add skills to your profile to get job recommendations","TEXT-2":"Here are the popular skills for the role of","SUBMIT-BUTTON":"Select {{numberOfSkills}} more skills","TEXT-3":"Select the skills that suit you! You will also be able to complete or change your profile later on the platform."},"INTERNAL":{"OPPORTUNITIES":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (8)","TEXT":"View company’s internal opportunities"}},"WELCOME":{"MEDIA_OR_TEXT":"media or text","MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (9)","TITLE":"Ready to boost your career development?","CONTENT":"Welcome to the Opportunity Career Place!
\nWe have designed this solution to empower your growth at SEQUOIA.
\nWe are excited for you to start a new journey with us.
\nBut first, let’s hear a few words from the peers who have successfully achieved their goals!","NEXT-BTN":"Next"},"SKILLS_KICKSTART":{"NO_SKILLS_INFO":"Running out of skills? Search above to add skills.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills..."},"JOB":{"RECOMENDATION":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (10)","TEXT":"Get job recommendation that fits you"}}},"FAQ":{"MORE_BUTTON":"MoreFAQs","HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions"},"APP-WITHDRAW":{"BUTTON_CONFIRM":"Withdraw","DIALOG_BODY":"Are you sure you want to withdraw your application for the position {{jobTitle}}? This cannot be undone.","NOTIFICATION_FAILURE":"Failed to withdraw your application to","NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS":"You have withdrawn your application to","BUTTON_DENY":"Do Not Withdraw","TITLE":"Withdraw Application","TEXTAREA_LABEL":"OPTIONAL: Please explain why you are withdrawing"}},"AWARDS-11--BG-IMG":"","TEST":{"TOKEN":"test token."},"AUTH":{"ERROR":{"ORG":{"NOT":{"FOUND":"Organization was not found(placeholder)"}},"USER":{"NOT":{"REGISTER":"User not register, please try another user."}},"DEFAULT":"Unexpected error, please try again"}},"JOBS_FILTER_TYPE":"Employment Type","LANDING_HERO_BG":"","AWARDS-2--BG-IMG":"","GDPR":{"COOKIE_CONSENT_CLOSE_ICON":"Close","APPLY_CONSENT_BODY":"

This career site protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.


We store anonymized interaction data in an aggregated form about visitors and their experiences on our site using cookies and tracking mechanisms. We use this data to fix site defects and improve the general user experience.


We request use of your data for the following purposes:


Job Application Data


This site may collect sensitive personal information as a necessary part of a job application. The data is collected to support one or more job applications, or to match you to future job opportunities. This data is stored and retained for a default period of 12 months to support job matching or improve the user experience for additional job applications. The data for each application is transferred to the Applicant Tracking System in order to move the application through the hiring process.
\nYou have the right to view, update, delete, export, or restrict further processing of your job application data. To exercise these rights, you can e-mail us at
\nConversion Tracking
\nWe store anonymized data on redirects to the career site that is used to measure the effectiveness of other vendors in sourcing job candidates.

\n\nLearn more about your career site data on our Privacy Policy page.


Consent and Data Privacy

","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","APPLY_CONSENT_DECLINE":"Decline","CLOSE":"x","APPLY_CONSENT_ACCEPT":"Accept","PIXEL_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Do you want a Cookie?","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","THIRDPARTY_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Anonymized data is stored for redirects to the career site tracking successful searches leading to job applications in effort to measure effectiveness of partners in sourcing job candidates and job searches. We request use of anonymized data to improve your experience on our site.","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Okay","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Accept","CONSENT_BUTTON":"Accept","COOKIE_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Cookies are used on this site to assist in continually improving the candidate experience and all the interaction data we store of our visitors is anonymous.\nLearn more about your rights on our Privacy Policy page."},"CRM":{"ISHIRED_FILTER_YES":"Yes","ISHIRED_FILTER_LABEL":"Current Employee","VIP_NAME":"VIP","SEARCH":{"TITLE":"Search"},"GROUP_LABEL":"Group","CANDIDATE_DETAIL":{"REFERRALS_DETAIL":{"SUBHEADER":{"REFERRER":"Referrer"}},"MAIN":{"INVITE_TO_JOIN_HEADER":"Invite to Join Nurture"},"HEADER":{"REFERRALS_TAB":"Referrals"},"BACKGROUND":{"PROFILE":{"MAIN_SECTION_BASIC_INFO_INELIGIBLE_LABEL":"Marked Ineligible Until","CONTACT_UNSUBSCRIBED":"Unsubscribed","CONTACT_SUBSCRIBED":"Subscribed"},"ACTIVITY":{"HIRING_STATUS_DATETIME":"Date/Time"}}},"SETTINGS":{"RECRUITER_MANAGEMENT":{"FORM_INPUT_ATSID_HELPER_TEXT":"This is located in Recruit on the top left the User Profile. It's also located on the Person Reporting page under \"Reporting & Advanced Options - General\" as \"System ID\".","FORM_INPUT_ATSID_PLACEHOLDER":"iCIMS System ID"}},"PIPELINE_LABEL":"Pipeline","RESULTS_TABLE":{"CURRENT_ROLE_HEADER":"Current Role"},"ADD_EDIT":{"ELIGIBILITY_INFORMATION":{"COUNTRIES_TITLE":"Which Countries?","FLUENT_TITLE":"Fluent Languages"},"SOCIAL_LINKS":{"TITLE":"Websites"}},"SCORE_LABEL":"Score","CANDIDATE_AUTH_LABEL":"Candidate Authenticated","PIPELINES_LABEL":"Pipeline","ISHIRED_FILTER_NO":"No","REFERRAL_SOURCE_NAME":"Referral Source","CANDIDATE_GENERATED":"Candidate Generated","CONSENT":{"TEXT":"CONSENT_VERSION={1.0.0}\n

This application protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Jibe will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.\n


We request use of your data for the following purposes:\n

\n User Authentication\n


\n This site retains personally identifiable information, specifically e-mail addresses, as a necessary part of user login. This data is retained for the duration of the user profile lifecycle and enables user authentication.\n


\n Usage Analytics\n


We store anonymized usage data to measure and improve the effectiveness of this CRM application in filling job requisitions and managing talent communities.\n


\n E-mails to Candidates\n


We collect your personal information such as name and email address. This information is used when you send marketing or contact emails to candidates.\n\n

\nClick here for a link to our Privacy Policy page."},"RECRUITER_GEN_LABEL":"Recruiter Generated","RECRUITER_GENERATED":"Recruiter Generated","JOB":{"RECRUITER":"Recruiter","HIRING_MANAGER":"Hiring Manager"}},"DATEPICKER":{"JANUARY":"January","JUNE":"June","MAY":"May","OCTOBER":"October","TODAY":"Today","DECEMBER":"December","FEBRUARY":"February","SEPTEMBER":"September","NOVEMBER":"November","SELECT_YEAR":"Select Year","MARCH":"March","AUGUST":"August","JULY":"July","APRIL":"April"},"FACILITY_LOGO":"","HERO_HEADER":"Join Our Team","SIGNUP":{"GROUP":{"PERSONALINFORMATION":{"LABEL":"Personal Information"},"EMPLOYERSEEKING":{"LABEL":"Employer Seeking"},"SKILLS":{"LABEL":"Skills"},"EMPLOYMENTHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Employment History"},"EDUCATIONHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Education History"}}},"COMPLETE":{"TRACKING_PIXELS":""},"https://cms":{"jibecdn":{"com/prod/uhs/assets/OPENGRAPH-IMAGE-en-us-1570128598515":{"jpg":""}}},"PROFILE":{"NO_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"You have not completed any applications","UNABLE":"We were unable to retrieve your submitted applications. Try refreshing the page.","LOGOUT_ERROR":"There was an error logging out. Please try again.","MANAGE_PROFILE":"Manage Profile","HEADER":"User Profile","COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"Completed Applications"},"KENEXA":{"ERROR_MESSAGE":{"QUESTIONS":{"328":"The username/Email was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again."},"FORGOT":{"16":"The answer to your security question must be less than 50 characters.","211":"Your new password must not be the same as a recently used password.","212":"Password cannot be the same as the username.","243":"You have attempted to change your password twice within a 24hrs period. For your security, password changes are only allowed once per day. Please wait 24hrs to reset your password again.","251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","253":"Your password must not be the same as any of the 5 preceding passwords.","404":"Incorrect Security Answer."},"CREATE":{"251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\\\"?/|\\\\`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","311":"Your log in credentials cannot be validated. You may have created an account in the past, if so please click the 'forgot your password' link to reset your password.","315":"Your password may not be the same as your login e-mail address.","319":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","320":"Your password must be between 8 and 25 characters.","322":"Invalid Security Question.","327":"Your username must not include the following characters: < >.","404":"The answers you provided do not match the answers to your security questions. Please try again.","428":"Security questions and answers must be unique."},"LOGIN":{"202":"Unable to find that email/password in the system.","203":"The account has been locked out due to excessive invalid login attempts. Please try again later.","204":"The login was successful; however, a password reset is required.","205":"The site requested is inactive or does not exist."}},"SECURITY":{"ANSWER":{"LABEL":"Security Answer"},"QUESTION":{"1":"What is the name of your first school?","2":"Where is your favorite vacation spot?","3":"What is your mother's maiden name?","4":"What is your first pet’s name?","5":"What is the first car you owned?","6":"What is the name of your favorite restaurant?","7":"What is your paternal grandfather’s first name?","8":"What is your father’s middle name?","9":"What is the city of your first school?","10":"What is the name of the street on which you lived when you were 5 years old?","LABEL":"Security Question"}},"RESET":{"SUBMIT":"Reset Password","HEADER":"Password Recovery"}},"SEARCH_HERO_BG":"","JIBE1_ERROR":{"AP107":"New Password cannot be shorter than 8 characters.","AP106":"Please supply the correct Current Password.","AP109":"New Password must contain at least one lowercase character (a-z).","AP108":"New Password cannot be longer than 20 characters.","AP110":"New Password must contain at least one uppercase character (A-Z).","AP101":"Your username or password is incorrect.","AP112":"New Password must contain at least one special character character (~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =).","AP111":"New Password must contain at least one numeric character (0-9).","CC103":"The maximum number of requests has been exceeded.","AP103":"There is no email address registered to this user account.","CC102":"Your account has been locked.","AP102":"The login identifier is invalid.","AP113":"New Password can contain only the following characters (a-Z, A-Z, 0-9) and these symbols: ~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =","CC101":"The applicant profile with this email address already exists.","AP105":"You are not permitted to change your password.","AP104":"The New Password Confirmation does not match the New Password."},"VHS":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"SUBHEADER":"Stay connected for the latest jobs and careers at The Valley Health System"}},"CTA_SUBHEADER":"Varius Odio Nec","BOX_2_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER":"is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc., a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.\n

\nUHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to \"UHS\" or \"UHS facilities\" including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services' subsidiaries. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.","OURMISSION-2--BG-IMG":"","JIBE_SIGNUP_SUBMIT":"Submit","NO_LOCATIONS":"No locations","BOX_4_HEADER":"Physicians","APPLY":{"COMPLETE_RESUME_GOOGLE":"Your resume from Google Drive was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_1_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","SELECT_LIST_PLACEHOLDER":"Select..","INFO_PAGE":{"PLEASE_VERIFY":"A message has been sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions to verify your email address."},"COMPLETE_RESUME_TEXT":"The resume you entered was attached to your application.","COMPLETE_RESUME_DEFAULT":"If you uploaded a resume, it was attached to your application.","SUBMIT_QUESTION_ERROR":"There was an error submitting this question, please try again.","VERIFY":{"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Verification Issue","BODY":"

There was an error verifying your account. Please click here to return home and try again.

"}},"COMPLETE_HEADER":"Your application for {{jobTitle}} has been successfully submitted! ","COMPLETE_SURVEY_POPUP":"We are currently conducting a survey based on your recent application/recruiting experience. We value your feedback, and would appreciate if you took just a few moments to respond to a few questions","OPTIONAL":"Optional","REPEAT_QUESTION":"Add Another","UPLOAD_RESUME_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your resume.","COMPLETE":{"UNVERIFIED":""},"ASSESSMENT_URL_FAILURE":"Assessment Not Received","COMPLETE_RESUME_LINKEDIN":"Your Linkedin profile was attached to your application.","EMAIL_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a valid email address","GO_HOME":"Careers Home","REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR":"Required","COMPLETE_RESUME_DROPBOX":"Your resume from Dropbox was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_2_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/YYYY.","PROGRESS_HEADER":"Your Progress","DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","COMPLETE_MESSAGE":"A member of our Talent Acquisition Team will review your application, and contact you if your skills and experience match the position requirements. We invite you to view the job openings available in our Career section and to further explore the functionalities of your account.

\nBack To Search","SELECT_LIST_LABEL":"form dropdown select","ASSESSMENT_HEADER":"You are almost done...just a few more steps to go!","ASSESSMENT_URL_SUCCESS":"Assessment URL Received {{assessmentUrl}} ","COMPLETE_RESUME_SKYDRIVE":"Your resume from SkyDrive was attached to your application.","EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is associated with a profile. An email has been sent for you to access your profile dashboard.","ALREADY_EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is already associated with a profile.","COMPLETE_RESUME_EMAIL":"If you have not emailed your resume yet, please check your inbox and follow the instructions emailed to you to expedite your application submission.","KNOCKOUT_MESSAGE":"Thank you for your interest in this position. Based on your application, we have determined that you are not eligible at this time. If you feel this is a mistake, you can go back and update your application.","UPLOAD_SUCCESS":"Upload Success","TYPE_FOR_RESULTS":"Type for results","DATE_FORMAT_3_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/DD/YYY.","KNOCKOUT_HEADER":"You are not eligible for this position.","UPLOAD_CV_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your cover letter.","REMOVE_QUESTION":"Remove","ASSESSMENT_MESSAGE":"


You are about to enter an assessment system which is proprietary software developed and produced by Kenexa Technology, Inc. The content in this questionnaire has been developed by Kenexa Technology, Inc., Kenexa’s Suppliers and/or Yum Restaurant Services Group, Inc.’s (“Company”) third party content providers and is protected by International Copyright Law. Under no condition may the content be copied, transmitted, reproduced or reconstructed, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without express written consent by Kenexa Technology, Inc. or the applicable third party content provider. Under no circ*mstances will Kenexa Technology, Inc. be responsible for content created or provided by Company’s third party content providers.



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Unless otherwise directed by the Questionnaire Administrator, you are only authorized to take each requested questionnaire once. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. All Kenexa SelectorTM questionnaires are monitored.

","SELECT_ALL":"Select All","UPLOAD_EMAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE":"There was an error sending you an email. Please try again.","LOCATION_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please select a valid location from the dropdown","ASSESSMENT_URL_WAITING":"Waiting for assessment URL","COMPLETE_RESUME_FILE":"The resume you uploaded was attached to your application.","BIG_DECIMAL_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a valid integer or decimal.","ASSESSMENT":{"IS_REQUIRED":"This field is required.","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","FIRST_NAME":"First Name"},"GO_HOME_LI":"Return to LinkedIn"},"SHINE":{"LOGO":""},"VALLEY_HEALTH":{"EEO":"The Valley Health System is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws."},"HERO_SUBHEAD":"Your Career Starts Here","AWARDS-3--BG-IMG":"","API":{"SAML_ERROR":"Uh oh. There's been an error."},"refreshTime":"2024-05-03T23:01:16.384Z"}, CONFIGURED_DEFAULT_LOCALE_TRANSLATIONS: {"GET_REFERRED":{"TOOLTIP_TITLE":"What is Get Referred?","INSTRUCTIONS":"Get Referred™ is a new way for you to explore career opportunities at {{companyName}}. With Get Referred™, you now have the ability to search your social and professional networks for {{companyName}} employees and ask them to personally refer you for an open position. The process is very easy. Simply choose the job you would like to be referred for, upload your CV and cover letter, search your networks for someone you know who works at {{companyName}} and then send in your request!","BUTTON":"Get Referred","TOOLTIP_BTN":"How Get Referred Works"},"NO_BRANDS":"No brands","PRIMARY_COLOR":"144b86","role-search":{"search-bar":{"back":"Back"}},"PERSONALIZATION":{"ADD":"Add","GET_JOBS":"Get Jobs","PARAGRAPH":"Answer a few short questions and we will match you with our jobs.","ADDITIONAL_SUBTITLE":"Supplying this information will further improve the quality of your matches.","OPTIONAL":"*Optional","USE_REMOTE_JOBS":"Include remote jobs","PRIVACY_POLICY_TEXT":"Privacy Policy","REVIEW_RESUME":"Review Resume","UPLOAD":"Upload","FULL_TIME":"Full Time","CURRENT_STEP":"Current step in Job Matching flow","CONNECT_EXISTING_ACCOUNT":"Sign into existing account","PART_TIME":"Part Time","ENTRY_LEVEL":"Entry Level","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_HEADER":"No matches found","CONNECT_LINKEDIN":"Connect with Linkedin","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_SUBHEADER":"Edit your search criteria or CV to receive new results.","TOGGLE_REMOTE_JOBS":"Include remote jobs in search","SKILLS-BANNER":{"PARA":"Hey {{fname}}, Take opportunities! With right skills, you will get Job Match that fits you better.","HEADER":"Wow! We found new skills for you.","BUTTON-TEXT":"Update My Skills"},"JOB_TYPE":"Desired Job Type","PROFILE_SUBTITLE":"Your profile offers detailed information required for our algorithm.","RECOMMENDATIONS_HEADER":"Review your matches","KEYWORDS_HEADER":"Enter Relevant Keywords.","LOCATION_HEADER":"Enter Location","LOADING":"Loading","LOCATION":"Location","RETURN_TO_STEP":"Return to step in Job Matching flow","BROWSE":"Browse","SENIORITY":"Experience Level","PROFILE_TITLE":"Select Your Profile","USE_CV_LOCATION":"Filter by this location","CONTRACT":"Contract","FIND_MYJOBS":"Start Here","RECOMMENDATIONS_SUBHEADER":"Edit your matching criteria to receive updated results.","MID_LEVEL":"Mid Level","KEYWORDS_SUBTITLE":"Keywords help support and enrich your profile data.","ADDITIONAL_HEADER":"Provide Additional Information.","NEXT":"Next","START_OVER":"Start Over","REMOVE":"Remove","CONTACT_INFORMATION":"Contact Information","PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK":"","SENIOR_LEVEL":"Senior Level","ENTER_LOCATION":"Enter a Location","LOCATION_SUBTITLE":"We will show you matches centered around this location.","OR":"or","WORK_HISTORY":"Work History","UPLOAD_TITLE":"Upload a resume","JOB_SEARCH":"Job Search","PRIVACY_DISCLAIMER":"Data Privacy Notice","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_PARA":"Try using different match criteria or starting a new search? Try searching without your profile.","RESUME_UPLOADED":"Resume Uploaded","EDUCATION_HISTORY":"Education History","PRIVACY_ERROR":"You must acknowledge this message to proceed.","CANCEL":"Cancel","BACK":"Back","TITLE":"Find Your Job Matches","PRIVACY_AGREEMENT":"I understand the data I upload during this session will be processed for Job Matching but none of my data, including any Personally identifiable Information will be saved.","KEYWORDS":"Search Keywords"},"REFERRAL":{"MODAL":{"CHECK_STATUS":{"BUTTON":"Check email","HEADER":"Great! Now let's check if your candidate has been referred","EMAIL":"Referral's email address","BODY":"This step will confirm nobody else is linked to your candidate"},"START":{"REJECT":"Yes","HEADER":"Start your referral","CONFIRM":"No","BODY":"Is this potential candidate an active or fixed term employee, current contractor, co-op or intern at J&J?"},"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Sorry, that candidate is not eligible for employee referral at this time","BODY":"The person with this email address has either already been linked to another company employee for referral or is in a position that is not eligible for the Employee Referral Program","NEW_REFERRAL":"Refer Another Candidate"}}},"BOX_1_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","NO_STATE":"No state","CURRENT_YEAR":"{{currentYear}}","FB_CHAT":{"GREETING_OUT":"How can I help you?","GREETING_IN":"How can I help you?"},"CREDO":{"INTRO_HEADING":"Intro","NEXT_BTN":"Next Page","COMPLETE_TEXT":"You've completed this page! Click below to continue with the application.","COMPLETE_HEADING":"Finish","INTRO_ADDON":"Please answer these questions thoughtfully, as your responses will directly impact your eligibility to be considered for an open role.","START_BTN":"OK"},"REG_OR_TEMP":"Regular/Temporary:","INDEED_ICON":"","LOGIN":{"FACEBOOK":"Connect with Facebook","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirm Password","FORGOT_LINK":"Forgot password?","CURRENT_PASSWORD":"Current Password","EMAIL_CREATE":"Register with Email","FIRSTNAME":"First name","SELECT_ONE":"Select...","VERIFY":"Verify email","EMAIL":"Email","RATE_LIMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE":"Account locked out due to invalid attempts, please try again after 10 mins","CONFIRM_EMAIL":"Confirm Email","URL":{"ERRORDESCRIPTION":"Login Error Description"},"FORGOT":{"SUCCESS_CREATED":"If you have an account registered under this email address, you will receive a password reset email shortly.","INVALID_FORGOT":"Incorrect username and email combination.","SUBMIT":"Submit","TITLE~OVERRIDDEN~":"Reset Password","SUCCESS_UPDATED":"Your account has been successfully updated.","USERNAME":"Forgot Username?","TITLE":{"PASSWORD":"Reset Password","USERNAME":"Forgot Username"},"INVALID_UPDATE":"Password given not valid.","INVALID_SESSION":"Session has expired.","LOGIN_LINK":"Return to Login?"},"LASTNAME":"Last name","GENDER":"Gender","LINK":"Or, Login to your account","USERNAME":"Username","EMAIL_TYPE":"Email Type","GOOGLE":"Connect with Google","REGISTER":{"SUBMIT":"Register","LINK":"Or, create your account","TITLE":"Register","LOGIN_LINK":"Already a user? Login!","INVALID_REGISTRATION":"Invalid registration used. Please verify fields."},"PRIVACY_POLICY":{"CANCEL":"Disagree","SUBMIT":"Agree","BODY_CONT2":"","ERROR":"You must accept to continue","TITLE":"Privacy Policy","BODY":"

In order to create an account with us and submit applications for positions with our company you must read the following Terms and Agreements and select to agree before registering.

In the event that you do not accept our Terms and Agreements you will not be able to submit applications for positions with our company.

You agree to the storage of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications within our system. Your personal and application data and any attached text or documentation are retained by Jibe Apply in accordance with our record retention policy and applicable laws.

You agree that all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications created by you may be used by us for our recruitment purposes, including for automated job matching. It is specifically agreed that we will make use of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications for recruitment purposes only and will not make this information available to any third party unconnected with the our recruitment processes.

Your registration and access to our Careers Web Site indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Agreements.

","BODY_CONT":""},"EMAIL_OPTION":{"HEADER":"Login with your email account"},"LINKEDIN":"Connect with Linkedin","VALIDATIONS":{"CONTACT":"At least one method of contact is required","WRONG_INFO":"Wrong information. Please try again!","EMAIL_FORMAT":"Invalid email","FIRSTNAME":"First name not filled","EMAIL":"Email not filled","SECURITY_ANSWER":"Security Answer not filled","PASSWORD":"Password not filled","LASTNAME":"Last name not filled","PASSWORD-REQUIREMENTS":"Password must contain at least 1 lower case letter, 1 capital letter (A-Z), 1 special character (!@#$%^&*), and a number (0-9)","AGREE":"Please Agree to the Privacy Policy","GENDER":"Gender not selected","PASSWORD_MISMATCH":"Passwords Do Not Match","USERNAME":"Username not filled"},"PLACEHOLDER":{"CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD":"Confirm New Password","NEW_PASSWORD":"New Password","PASSWORD":"Password","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirm Password","LASTNAME":"Last name","CURRENT_PASSWORD":"Current Password","GENDER":"Gender","USERNAME":"Username","FIRSTNAME":"First name","EMAIL":"Email"},"REGISTER_LINK":"Not a user? Register!","HELPER_TEXT":"","INVALID_LOGIN":"Incorrect username and password combination.","PASSWORD":"Password","SUBMIT":"Log In","TITLE":"Login","FORGOT_USERNAME":{"TITLE":"Forgot Username"},"ATS_UNAVAILABLE":"The applicant tracking system is unavailable at this time, please try again later.","VERIFICATION":{"BODY":"

Dear ${user.firstName},


Thanks for choosing to apply for a job with ${}! Please verify ownership of your email address by clicking this link.


Alternatively, you can verify your account by pasting this URL into your browser:


Please note that your job application will not be submitted to ${} until you have successfully verified ownership of your email address.




The ${} Recruiting Team

"}},"ERROR":{"NO_JOBS_404":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this job may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to perform a new job search.","NO_APPLICATIONS_404":"We’re sorry, but it looks like we cannot find your job application. Please click here to perform a new job search.","PAGE_NOT_EXISTS":"The page you are looking for no longer exists."},"candidate_connect":{"cc_signup":{"error_blank_input":"Please fill out all fields."},"email_signup":{"error_blank_input":"Please fill out all fields.","error_network":"There was an error processing your request. Please try again later.","error_title":"Error","success_title":"Success!","error_invalid":"Please enter a valid email address.","success_button":"Continue","success_paragraph":"Thanks for subscribing. Check your email shortly for a confirmation.","error_existing_email":"This candidate profile already exists.","userExists_paragraph":"A message has been sent to your email address . Please follow the instructions to verify it.","userExists_title":"Success!"}},"AWARDS-22--BG-IMG":"","INTRO_COPY":"Your passion, inspiration, and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. UHS can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development.","JOB_DESCRIPTION":{"LOCATION":"Location","TAGS7":"Minimum Hiring Rate","TAGS8":"Maximum Hiring Rate","LOCATION_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Location","REQ_ID":"Req ID","TAGS3":"Shift","EMPLOYMENT_TYPE":"Position Type:","REQ_ID_ARIA_LABEL":"Job ID","TAGS4":"Facility Name","SKILLS":"Skills:","DESCRIPTION_HEADING":"Job Description","CATEGORIES":"Categories","BRAND":"Facility:","CATEGORIES_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Category","BACK":"Back","STREET_ADDRESS":"Street Address:","LOCATION_NAME":"Facility"},"SEARCH":{"NO_CITIES":"No cities","NO_LOCATIONS":"No locations","NO_BRANDS":"No brands","NO_CATEGORIES":"No categories","NO_COUNTRY":"No country","NO_STATE":"No states"},"VALIDATION":{"EMAIL_DOMAIN":"Invalid Email Domain"},"AWARDS-4--BG-IMG":"","SECONDARY_COLOR":"0595af","OURMISSION-3--BG-IMG":"","VALIDATIONS":{"CURRENTDAY":"Please select today","CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirmed Password does not match","SAMEMONTH":"Start and end date for same job can't be in the same month","PHONE":"Please enter a valid phone number.","AT_LEAST_ONE":"You must choose at least one answer.","GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO":"Must be greater than or equal to {{param}}.","MINLENGTH":"Please enter at least {{param}} characters.","MINVALUE":"Please enter a value greater than or equal to {{param}}.","EQUAL_TO":"Must be equal to {{param}}.","EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address.","CONTINUOUS":"This end date has to be the same month or sooner to the above start date. A single history cannot have the same month for start and end dates.","MAXDATE":"Please select a date before {{param}}.","LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO":"Must be less than or equal to {{param}}.","PATTERN":"This is not a valid format.","GREATER_THAN":"Must be greater than {{param}}.","NOT_UNIQUE":"Please enter/select a unique value.","ZIPCODE~OVERRIDDEN~":"Please enter a valid postal code.","LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be equal to or before {{param}}.","GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be equal to or after {{param}}.","MINDATE":"Please select a date after {{param}}.","DATEFORMAT":"Please enter a valid date.","NUMERIC":"Please enter a valid number.","TODAY":"Please select today's date {{param}}","ZIPCODE":{"ADVANCE":"Invalid postal code."},"REQUIRED":"This field is required.","LESS_THAN":"Must be less than {{param}}.","MAXLENGTH":"Please enter no more than {{param}} characters.","EMAIL_REQUIRED":"This field is required.","SSN":"Please enter a valid SSN.","GENERIC":"Please enter a valid input.","PASSWORD":"The password field is required.","EQUAL_TO_DATE":"Date must be the same as {{param}}.","GREATER_THAN_DATE":"Date must be after {{param}}.","MAXVALUE":"Please enter a value less than or equal to {{param}}.","TEXTUAL":"Please only enter text.","LESS_THAN_DATE":"Date must be before {{param}}."},"BOX_2_BACKGROUND":"","TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"JIBE_INPUT-STATE-PLACEHOLDER":"State","JIBE_INPUT-PREFERRED-SKILLS":"Preferred Skills","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_CATEGORY":"To select more than one Job Category, please hold down CTRL and Return keys.","DEPENDENT_ERROR_PHONES":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields","JIBE_INPUT-NON_COMPETE":"Non-compete in place with your current employer?","JIBE_LABEL-SELECT_AN_OPTION":"-- Select an Option --","FORM_ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE":"Error uploading file. Try again","TAKEN_EMAIL_ALERT":"A profile with this email already exists in the system. Please login.","JIBE_INPUT-LAST_NAME-PLACEHOLDER":"Last Name","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_CONSENT":"I agree to share my profile with recruiters and receive occasional emails about new career opportunities. I agree to the Privacy Policy.","ALERTS_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUBHEADER":"You have been unsubscribed from all job alerts.","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_TYPE_HOME":"Home","JIBE_INPUT-ELIGIBILITY_EU":"Eligible to work in the EU?","JIBE_INPUT-CAMPAIGN_CONSENT_TITLE":"Campaign Consent","JIBE_SIGNUP_ERROR":"This Email Already Exists","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_ALERTS":"I wish to opt-in to receive email notifications of new jobs and opportunities.","JIBE_INPUT-ELIGIBILITY_US":"Eligible to work in the US?","JIBE_RESTRICTED_EMAIL_ERROR":"This action could not be completed.","JIBE_INPUT-HEADLINE-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Headline","DEPENDENT_ERROR":{"LINKS":{"TYPEID":"Both value and type are required for Link fields. Please fill out the Link Type","VALUE":"Both value and type are required for Link fields. Please fill out the Link"},"PHONES":{"TYPEID":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields. Please fill out the Phone Type","VALUE":"Both value and type are required for Phone fields. Please fill out the Phone Number"}},"EVENT_LISTING":{"EVENT_NAME_DESC":"Event name (z - a)","FILTER_LABEL_VENUECITY":"City","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_p":"Professional","SORT_BY":"Sort by","START_DATE_ASC":"Start date (asc)","I":"In person","LOCATION_COLUMN_TITLE":"Location","EVENT_NAME_ASC":"Event name (a - z)","LOCATION_LABEL":"Location","FILTER_LABEL_VENUECOUNTRY":"Country","EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_TITLE":"Event type","FILTER_LABEL_VENUESTATE":"State","FILTER_LABEL_EVENTCATEGORY":"Event Category","KEYWORD_LABEL":"Keyword","FILTER_LABEL_SCHOOL":"School","T":"TBD","V":"Virtual","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_e":"Executive","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_f":"Frontline","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_c":"Campus","START_DATE_DESC":"Start date (desc)","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_d":"Designate Program","REGISTER":"Register","FILTER_LABEL_VENUE":"Venue","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE":"Recruitment Type","SEARCH":"Search","EVENT_TYPE_LABEL":"Event type","FILTER_LABEL_RECRUITMENTTYPE_ct":"Contractor","RELEVANCE":"Relevance","DATE_AND_TIME_LABEL":"Date and time"},"JIBE_INPUT-GROUP":"Location","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_TYPE":"Phone Type","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-ELIGIBILITY":"Eligibility



","JIBE_INPUT-ADDRESS2-PLACEHOLDER":"Address 2","JIBE_THANKS_SUBHEADER":"Check your email for instructions to log in and edit your information. \nOur recruiters will reach out to you if opportunities open up that match your experience and preferences.","JIBE_INPUT-RELOCATION_PREFERENCE_YES":"Yes","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME_AFTERNOON":"Afternoon","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_CONSENT_TITLE":"Consent","JIBE_INPUT-LAST_NAME":"Last Name","FORM_PROCESSING_FILE":"Processing file...","JIBE_INPUT-COUNTRY":"Country","JIBE_INPUT-EMAIL-PLACEHOLDER":"Email Address","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_TITLE":"Title","JIBE_INPUT-SEEKING_LEVEL":"Seeking Level","JIBE_INPUT-ZIP_CODE":"Postal Code","JIBE_INPUT-TITLE-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Title","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_METHOD_PHONE":"Phone","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_MAJOR":"Major","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_HIRED":"Was Hired","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_MAJOR-PLACEHOLDER":"Major","JIBE_INPUT-JOB_ALERTS_CONSENT":"I want to receive job alerts for my category and location preferences and agree to the Privacy Policy","DEPENDENT_ERROR_LINKS":"Both value and type are required for Link fields","JIBE_INPUT-LANGUAGES":"Languages","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-CONTACT":"Contact Info


","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_METHOD":"Contact Method","JIBE_INPUT-LOCATION_PREFERENCES-PLACEHOLDER":"Add Locations (Include Country and City)","JIBE_INPUT-FIRST_NAME":"First Name","JIBE_INPUT-SEEKING_STATUS":"Seeking Status","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_SCHOOL-PLACEHOLDER":"School","FORM_ERROR_FILL_RESUME":"Error filling resume data to fields","SIGNUP_ERROR":{"CC-104":"Email address already in use"},"JIBE_INPUT-SKILLS":"Skills","JIBE_INPUT-EDUCATION_LEVEL":"Education Level","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_CURRENT":"Is Current","JIBE_INPUT-LATEST_TITLE-PLACEHOLDER":"Title","ERROR_SUBMITTING_FORM":"It looks like we are having trouble processing your submission. Please check for any validation errors and try again.","JIBE_INPUT-GENERAL_JOB_ALERT_TITLE":"Job Alerts","DEPENDENT_ERROR_PHONES_AND_LINKS":"Both value and type are required for Phone and Link fields","JIBE_INPUT-CAMPAIGN_CONSENT":"I want to be subscribed to campaign email messages about career opportunities and I agree to the Privacy Policy","FORM_ERROR_INVALID_UPLOAD_TYPE":"This file type is not currently supported. Please try again using a supported file type.","FORM_UPLOAD_BUTTON_LABEL":"Choose File","NO_CONSENT_ERROR":"You must accept the privacy policy before submitting","SUBMIT_BUTTON_TEXT":"Submit","JIBE_INPUT-RESUME_UPLOAD":"Resume Upload","UNSUBSCRIBE_HEADER":"Unsubscribe","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME":"Contact Time","JIBE_SIGNUP_SUBMIT":"Submit","FORMS":{"FIX_SUBMIT_ERRORS":"Submission failed. Please review the fields and resolve any errors."},"FORM_DEFAULT_FILE_LABEL":"No file chosen","JIBE_INPUT-CITY":"City","JIBE_SECTION_HEADING-EDUCATION_HISTORY":"Education

","CAMPAIGN_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUBHEADER":"You have been unsubscribed from all email notifications.","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_NUMBER":"Phone Number","JIBE_INPUT-EXPERIENCE_LEVEL":"Years of Work Experience","JIBE_INPUT-HEADLINE":"Headline","JIBE_INPUT-CONTACT_TIME_EVENING":"Evening","JIBE_INPUT-PHONE_NUMBER-PLACEHOLDER":"Phone Number"},"OMP":{"LOADING":"Loading results matching your profile...","RECOMMENDATIONS_NONE_SUBHEADER":"Try to update your skills to have new suggestions or start a new job search."},"HERO_BACKGROUND":"","ONBOARDING":{"PRIVACY":{"HEADING":"Privacy Policy","PARA":"

In order to create an account with us and submit applications for positions with our company you must read the following Terms and Agreements and select to agree before registering.


In the event that you do not accept our Terms and Agreements you will not be able to submit applications for positions with our company.


You agree to the storage of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications within our system. Your personal and application data and any attached text or documentation are retained by Sequoia Apply in accordance with our record retention policy and applicable laws.


You agree that all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications created by you may be used by us for our recruitment purposes, including for automated job matching. It is specifically agreed that we will make use of all personal information, applications, attachments and draft applications for recruitment purposes only and will not make this information available to any third party unconnected with the our recruitment processes.


Your registration and access to our Careers Web Site indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Agreements.

","DECLINE-MSG":"You cannot proceed without accepting the Privacy Policy.","BUTTON-2":"Disagree","BUTTON-1":"Agree"}},"BOX_1_HEADER":"Corporate","BOX_3_HEADER":"University Relations","BOX_3_BACKGROUND":"","WEBSITE_LINK":"","FAVICON":"","HEADER":{"NAV_LOGO":""},"EVENTBRITE":{"EVENTS":{"TITLE":"Upcoming Events"},"NO-EVENTS":{"TITLE":"Sorry, there are no upcoming events."}},"BOX_4_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","BOX_3_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","LANDING":{"JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_1_COPY":"We are determined to be responsive and compassionate to the needs of those in our care.","JOIN_TEAM_HEADER":"Join Our Team","BENEFIT_6":"Flexible Spending Accounts","BENEFIT_5":"Retirement & Savings","BENEFIT_4":"Insurance & Income Protection","BENEFIT_6_ICON":"","BENEFIT_3":"Vision","BENEFIT_2":"Dental","BENEFIT_1":"Medical","EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS_HEADER":"Employee Benefits","BENEFIT_3_ICON":"","SEARCH_BUTTON_COPY":"Begin your career search","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_1_HEADER":"Patients are our top priority","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_2_HEADER":"Uncompromised standards","EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS_COPY":"offers healthcare, life insurance and disability benefits to help meet the needs of employees and their families. As our employee, you may be eligible to choose from a comprehensive list of benefits and select those that best meet the needs of you and your family. Among the benefits available to eligible employees are:","BENEFIT_1_ICON":"","BENEFIT_4_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_3_COPY":"We are committed to meeting the diverse needs of the communities we serve.","ABOUT_FACILITY":"

Aiken Physicians Alliance provides dedicated primary and specialty care for you and your family. Our family medicine providers are devoted to treating the whole person and provide comprehensive care for people of all ages. Our specialists are highly trained and experienced and work as part of an interdisciplinary team to provide care to patients. Aiken Physicians Alliance offers Primary Care, Cardiology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pulmonology and Urology Care. You will work with a Care Team of physicians, advanced practitioners and staff providing compassionate and quality care. We have a welcoming environment and believe in strong team engagement.


Aiken Physicians Alliance is affiliated with Aiken Regional Medical Centers, a 273-bed acute care facility offering a comprehensive range of specialties and services. Aiken Regional Medical Center has been ranked a top hospital in South Carolina by the Carolina Center for Medical Excellence for its treatment of heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia and has been recognized as an “A” rated facility by the Leapfrog Group.


Aiken, South Carolina, named 2018 “Best Small Town in the South” by Southern Living magazine, is the perfect place for young professionals, growing families and retirees. With an annual average of 216 sunny days per year, there’s ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.


Aiken is ideally located a short two-hour drive to the beaches, mountains and major metropolitan areas. We also have easy access to airports in Augusta, Columbia, and Atlanta.


Also recognized by Southern Living as one of the South’s best food cities, Aiken offers a variety of unforgettable culinary experiences. In addition to its culinary delights, Aiken’s vibrant historic Downtown area features quaint shops and entertainment. The Alley Downtown hosts fun festivals and concert series year-round.


Aiken’s arts scene is rich with talent featuring diverse local, national and international visual and performing artists. Aiken is a modern cosmopolitan, immersed in charm and history. Aiken really is the South’s best small town. Come join us.

","BENEFIT_2_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_2_COPY":"We are dedicated to the highest standards of quality, talent and ethics.","BENEFIT_5_ICON":"","JOIN_TEAM_BULLET_3_HEADER":"Community Investment","JOIN_TEAM_PARAGRAPH_BOTTOM":"Quality healthcare is our passion, improving lives is our reward. We are working to change lives and transform the delivery of healthcare. In this endeavor, we uphold the following values:","JOIN_TEAM_PARAGRAPH_TOP":"Your passion, inspiration and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. Our facility can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development."},"CTA_BACKGROUND":"","AWARDS-21--BG-IMG":"","HERO--BACKGROUND":"","NOTIFICATIONS":{"NOT_LOGGED_IN":"You must be logged in to continue.","UNKNOWN_ERROR":"An unknown server error occurred. Please reload the page and try again."},"TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_1":"/the-northern-nevada-health-system/talentcommunity/signup","TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_2":"/the-valley-health-system/talentcommunity/signup","mailto-svg":"","TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK_3":"/the-george-washington-university-hospital/talentcommunity/signup","GWU":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"SUBHEADER":"Are you interested in learning more about opportunities with The George Washington University Hospital?"}},"NO_CITY":"No city","No_COUNTRY":"No country","JOB_ALERTS":{"TOGGLE_ALERT":"Sign up for Job Alerts","DELETE_MODAL_TITLE":"CONFIRM DELETION","NO_ALERTS":"No Job Alerts","CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS_SUBTEXT":"Check your inbox, starting tomorrow, for jobs containing the following keywords","ERROR_NETWORK_SUBTEXT":"Unfortunately, our network is not responding. Please try again later.","DELETE_MODAL_PROMPT":"Are you sure you want to delete this job alert?","ERROR_EMAIL":"Email empty or invalid","MANAGER_HEADER":"Saved Job Alerts","CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS":"Your job alert was successfully created.","ERROR_NETWORK":"Your job alert was NOT created."},"TC_JOIN_BUTTON_LINK":"/signup/talentcommunity","FOOTER":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"HEADER":"Join Our Talent Community","SUBHEADER":"Are you interested in learning more about opportunities with UHS?"},"COPYRIGHT":"© {{currentYear}} Universal Health Services, Inc. All rights reserved"},"GLOBAL_DISCLAIMER":"UHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., the management company for Universal Health Services, Inc. and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company and operates through its subsidiaries including its management company, UHS of Delaware, Inc. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. To the extent any reference to \"UHS\" or \"UHS facilities\" on this website including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein relates to our healthcare or management operations it is referring to Universal Health Services' subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of Universal Health Services' subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware. Any employment referenced in this website is not with Universal Health Services, Inc. but solely with one of its subsidiaries including UHS of Delaware, Inc.\n

\nAll employment at “UHS” is with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc., including its management company, UHS of Delaware, Inc. Universal Health Services is a holding company.","VERIFY_LOGIN":{"HELPER_TEXT":"

Enter your email address to continue. You'll be asked to either log in or create a new account.

","SUBMIT":"Submit","TITLE":"Enter Your Email"},"AWARDS-5--BG-IMG":"","TC":{"SUCCESS":{"HEADING":"Success!","CTA_BUTTON_TEXT":"Continue Searching for Jobs","PARAGRAPH":"We’ve received your information and will keep you in mind if an opportunity becomes available that is a good match with your background.

\nContinue applying to jobs you’re interested in here.","CTA_BUTTON_URL":"Link"},"INACTIVE":{"HEADING":"Event Inactive","PARAGRAPH":"This event is no longer active. Please apply to jobs you’re interested in here."},"CONNECT":{"PARA-COPY":"Landing the right opportunity is all about forming the right connections. Take a moment to join, and guarantee youself access to recruiters, job opportunities and events.","HEADER-COPY":"Making the Connection","TILE-3":{"PARA":"Keep your background up to date","HEADER":"Update"},"TILE-2":{"PARA":"Get contacted by recruiters for new jobs","HEADER":"Connect"},"TILE-1":{"PARA":"Build your Candidate Profile","HEADER":"Build"}},"HERO":{"LINK-TEXT-5":"Click here.","LINK-PARA-2":"Or add your resume","LINK-PARA-3":"Already a member?","LINK-TEXT-2":"Join with Email","LINK-TEXT-1":"Join with Linkedin","UPLOAD-TEXT":"Upload","HEADER":"Let iCIMS Find Jobs for You","LINK-TEXT-4":"Upload","LINK-TEXT-3":"Dropbox","PARA-2":"Or add your resume","PARA-1":"Let iCIMS Find Jobs for You","JOIN_EMAIL_TEXT":"Or join with email","ADD_RESUME_TEXT":"Add your resume","PARA-3":"Already a member?","DROPBOX-TEXT":"Dropbox"},"RESUME":{"ERROR":"Error uploading resume"}},"PORTAL":{"CONTAINER-HEADER":"Candidate Applications","EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY":{"NAV_TITLE":"Employment History","JOB_DESCRIPTION":"Job Description","EMPLOYER":"Employer","NO_EMPLOYMENT":"No Employment Added","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"JOB_DESCRIPTION":"Job Description","EMPLOYER":"Employer","JOB_TITLE":"Job Title","END_DATE":"End Date","CURRENT_JOB":"Current Job?","START_DATE":"Start Date"},"JOB_TITLE":"Job Title","END_DATE":"End Date","CURRENT_JOB":"Current Job?","START_DATE":"Start Date","TITLE":"Employment History"},"CREATE":{"ERRORS":{"FILE":"Invalid Extension. 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This cannot be undone.","CUSTOMER_ATS_LINK":"here","TITLE":"Permanently Delete Account?"},"UNFREEZE_DATA":"Unfreeze my Stored Data","AUTOFILL_PROFILE_BUTTON":"Autofill","DOWNLOAD":"Download","SUBSCRIBE_PROMPT":"I would like to receive email communications for marketing and/or general engagement purposes.","EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE":"You've been unsubscribed","FREEZE_DATA":"Freeze My Stored Data","DOWNLOAD_MY_DATA":"Download My Stored Data","DELETE_INFO":"Permanently Delete All My Data","DELETE_BUTTON_TEXT":"Delete","DELETE_USERDATA":"Please confirm your account deletion on your email","FREEZE_DIALOG":{"CANCEL":"CANCEL","PROMPT":"This will remove your data from processing in our system, including your applications, and remove your ability to log into the candidate portal.","TITLE":"Freeze Data"},"AUTOFILL_PROFILE":"Autofill your profile from a resume","TITLE":"Settings","FREEZE_BUTTON_TEXT":"FREEZE"},"UNFREEZE_DATA_BUTTON_TEXT":"UNFREEZE","RECOMMENDATIONS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Recommended Jobs","SUPERFIT_SUBHEADER":"Recruiters will see you're a SuperFit for these jobs!","APPLY_NOW":"APPLY NOW","TITLE":"Recommended Jobs"},"APPLICATIONS":{"CONTENT_SECTION_SUBHEADER":"We curated these articles specifically for you","NAV_TITLE":"Applications","APPLICATIONS":"My Applications","APPLIED_ON_DATE":"Applied On: {{date}}","UPDATED_DATE":"Updated on: {{date}}","EMPTY":{"BUTTON_TEXT":"Find Your Perfect Job","CONTENT_TEXT":"You don't have any job applications yet."},"JOB_DESCRIPTION_GOTO":"View Job Description","HIRING_FLOW_STEP":{"WITHDRAWN":{"TITLE":"Withdrawn"},"NEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"Things are moving along! 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Feedback will be shared by the Recruiter and/or Hiring Manager.","TITLE":"Interview","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"HIRED":{"DESCRIPTION":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this job may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to perform a new job search.","TITLE":"Hired","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"DECLINED":{"DESCRIPTION":"You have withdrawn this employment application from the hiring process.","TITLE":"Application Withdrawn","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"2NDINTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"You've made it to the business interview stage! Next up, you'll be interviewed by the Hiring Manager and other team members. You will be able to talk through your relevant experience and ask the team questions. We are here to help you prepare.","TITLE":"Business Interviews","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"RECEIVED":{"DESCRIPTION":"We have received your application & it is in the review stage. We have an internal team ensuring you submitted a complete application & meet the basic qualifications for the role.","TITLE":"Application Received","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"TESTING":{"DESCRIPTION":"Test Hiring Status","TITLE":"Testing"},"PIPELINE":{"DESCRIPTION":"Your application is currently being reviewed by the system.","TITLE":"Application In Transit","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"1STINTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"The interview team is looking through all the applicants to pick out the ideal candidate for the role. They'll then put a job offer together.","TIME":"Usually takes 2 weeks","TITLE":"Talent Acquisition Review","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"FIRST_INTERVIEW":{"DESCRIPTION":"The assigned Recruiter for the role is reviewing your application and resume to determine a match. They may try to connect via phone or email to ask additional questions.","TITLE":"Recruiter Screening","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"},"REJECTED":{"DESCRIPTION":"Sorry, you are no longer under consideration or you have withdrawn your application. We encourage you to explore additional opportunities with us.","TITLE":"No Longer Under Consideration","TIMELINE":"What's happening in this step?"}}},"LABEL":{"DATA_LOADING":"Data Loading"},"REMOVE":"Remove","LOGIN":{"HEADER":"Log in to track your applications and so much more"},"LOGOS":{"HEALTHSOUTH":"","MOUNTSINAI":""},"SAVE":"Save","CERTIFICATIONS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Certifications","TITLE":"Certifications"},"YOUR_JOBS":"Your Jobs","SKILLS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Skills","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"TYPE_SELECT":"Select Type"},"TITLE":"Skills"},"SAVED_JOBS":{"NAV_TITLE":"Saved Jobs","EMPTY_TEXT":"No Saved Jobs","TITLE":"Saved Jobs"},"CONTAINER-NAV-2":"Archived Applications","LOGO_URL":"https://{{}}","CONTAINER-NAV-3":"Incomplete Applications","CREATE_PROFILE":{"VALIDATION_ERROR":"All required questions must be answered to save this page."},"HERO-IMG":"","EDUCATION_HISTORY":{"NAV_TITLE":"Education History","CONTAINER_PLACEHOLDER":{"SCHOOL":"School","MAJOR":"Major","END_DATE":"End 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Please try again later.","TITLE":"Get future jobs matching this search","CAPTCHA_ERROR":"Please submit Captcha.","EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER":"Enter email address","PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK":"/auth/1/privacy-policy"},"LESS_CATEGORIES":"Less categories...","NO_RESULTS_LOCATION":"Results within your range.","BRANDS":"Facility Name","COMMUTE_SEARCH_MODAL_TITLE":"Commute Search","MULTIPLE":"Multiple","SEARCH_BY_LOCATION":"Search Location","FIND":"Find Jobs","TITLE_A-Z":"Title Asc","FULL_TIME":"Full Time","FILTER_LOCATION_TYPE_LAT_LNG":"No","PART_TIME":"Part Time","POSTED_DATE_ARIA_LABEL":"Posted Date","COMMUTE_SEARCH_MODAL_TITLE_EDIT":"Edit Commute","NEARBY_CITY":"Nearby Locations","LESS_BRANDS":"Less brands...","FOR":"for","DISTANCEUNITS_SCREENREADER_TEXT":"Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to select KM or MILES","JOB_DESCRIPTION_LOCATIONS_LINK":"Locations:","BRAND":"Facility Name","REFER-REWARD":"Referral reward for this job","CHANGE_SEARCH_BY_LOCATION":"Change to Location","COMMUTE_SEARCH":{"LOCATION":{"REQUIRED_FIELD":"* Indicates a required field"},"MODAL_TITLE":"Commute Search","UPDATE_COMMUTE":"Update Commute","CLOSE":"Close","FROM":"From","TO_JOBS":"to jobs within","SAVE_COMMUTE":"Save Commute","MODAL_TITLE_EDIT":"Edit Commute","ROAD_TRAFFIC":"Include Traffic Estimation","CANCEL":"Cancel","START_OVER":"Start Over","LOCATION_TITLE":"Starting Location*","MAXIMUM_TIME":"Maximum Time (Minutes)","LOCATION_ERROR":"You must select a location.","PREFERRED_MODE":"Preferred Transportation"},"KEYWORD_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER":"Search Keyword","RELEVANCE":"Relevance","KEYWORD_SEARCH_LABEL":"Search Keyword, Category or Job Title","ARIA_LABEL":{"REFER":"Refer someone for"},"DISTANCE_FROM":"Distance","LESS":"Less","SEARCH_RESULT_RANGE":"Total Jobs","STATE_HEADER":"By State / Province","COUNTRY_LABEL":"Country","SHARE_JOB":"Share Job","INCLUDE_TRAFFIC_ESTIMATION":"Include Traffic Estimation","REFER":"Refer","CATEGORY_ARIA_LABEL":"Job Category","EXPERIENCE_LEVEL":"Career Level","JOB_MATCHING":"Job Matching","ALL_JOBS":"All Jobs","SELECT_JOB_LANGUAGE":"Select job language","CITIES":"Cities","SEE_JOBS_BY":"See jobs by","USE_CURRENT_LOCATION":"Use my current location","NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE_2":"We could not find any matching jobs in {{location}}","CLOSE_DESCRIPTION":"Close description","TAGS_LABEL":"Job Type","CURRENT_LOCATION":"Your current location","CATEGORIES_LINK":"Categories","TITLE_Z-A":"Title Desc","SEARCH_LOCATION_LABEL":"Location Search","COUNTRY_HEADER":"By Country","DISTANCE_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER":"Select distance","RESULTS":"results","SEARCH_LOCATIONS_LINK":"Location","CHANGE_SEARCH_BY_COMMUTE":"Change to Commute","FILTER":"Filter","ALL_LOCATIONS":"All locations","SELECT_BRANDS":"Select Brands","COMMUTE_SEARCH_LOCATION_TITLE":"Starting Location","LOCATION_SEARCH_LABEL":"Search Locations","DID_YOU_MEAN":"Did you mean ","FEATURED_JOBS":"Featured Jobs","JOB_SEARCH":"Job Search","FILTER_LOCATION_TYPE_ANY":"Yes","COMMUTE_SEARCH_SELECT":"Commute Search","MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS":"Multiple Locations:","WITH":"with","CURRENT_LOCATION_DENIED":"Your browser settings have prevented us from using your current location. 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View our full privacy policy here."},"PRE_LOGIN":{"ACCEPT":"Yes","DECLINE":"No"},"UHS_FACILITY_IMG_ER-SS":"","BOX_4_BACKGROUND":"","TALENTNETWORK":{"JOIN_CC":"Join our talent network and we will contact you when a job matches your skillset.","HOME_URL":"/","SUB_HEADER":"Join our talent community","SUCCESS_MESSAGE":"Thank you for joining our Talent Network. We will keep you updated.","JOIN_CC_BUTTON":"Join Now","HEADER_BG_IMAGE_URL":"add image url","HEADER":"Join Our Talent Network"},"FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_1":"is operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_2":"UHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to “UHS” or “UHS facilities” including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services’ subsidiaries. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER_3":"is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.","UI":{"BACK_TO_TOP":"Back to Top","HEADER_LOGOUT":"Logout","MILES":"Miles","CAREERS_TITLE":"{{companyName}} Careers","LOGIN_ERROR":"You must be logged in to access your submitted applications.","FILTERS":"Filters","SKIP_TO_MAIN":"Skip to Main Content","NEARBY_FIFTY_MILES":"within 50 miles","NEARBY_HUNDRED_MILES":"within 100 miles","JOBAPPLY_LITIMEOUTERROR":"Timeout -- LinkedIn API did not respond","JOIN_NOW":"Join Now","NEARBY_SELECT_100_MILES":"within 100 miles","UNSUPPORTED_NEW":"

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Try a different browser or follow these directions to disable content blocking on Firefox and Safari.","BACK":"Back","MINUTES":"mins","NEARBY_SELECT_KM":"within {{nearbyDistance}} kilometers","NEXT_DISABLED":{"INFO":"All required questions must be answered to save this page."},"BY_CAR":"","SHOW_LESS":"Show less"},"OUROPPORTUNITIES-LEFT--BG-IMG":"","UPLOAD":{"PREVIEW_DOCUMENT":{"NOT_SUPPORTED":"The preview for your document will open in your native document viewer.","CLICK_TO_PREVIEW":"Please click the link below:","SKILLS":"SKILLS","PRESENT":"Present","EMPLOYMENT_INFORMATION":"EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION","UPLOADED_WITH":"Uploaded Resume with","INVALID_WARNING":"Sorry! We were not able to display your document.","EDUCATION_INFORMATION":"EDUCATION INFORMATION","GENERAL_INFORMATION":"GENERAL INFORMATION"},"GOOGLE_DRIVE":"Google Drive","WELCOME_THANKS_AGAIN":"Thanks again for your interest.","FILE_HEADER":"Files","APPLY_WITH_RESUME":"Use Saved Resume or Upload New Resume","BASIC_HEADER":"Or, enter your resume below:","FILE_UPLOADING":"Uploading","WELCOME":"Welcome","EMAIL":{"ERROR_MESSAGE":"There was a problem sending out the email, please try again"},"FILE_NAME":"File Name","CHOOSE_ANOTHER":"","EASYAPPLY-LINKEDIN-BUTTON":"Upload your resume using LinkedIn","PREVIEW_RESUME":"Preview Your Resume","EASYAPPLY-INSTRUCTIONS":"Please select a Resume Upload Option","HOW_TO_PROCEED":"How would you like to proceed?","FILE_TYPES_HEADER":"Accepted file types:","ADDITIONAL_DOCS":{"DESCRIPTION":"If you have additional documents you would like to share, please choose from the options below to upload them. Otherwise, click \"Next\" to continue.","CHOOSE":"Select document type","PREVIOUS_HEADER":"Use a previously uploaded document:","TYPE_IN":"Type In Document","HEADER":"Upload Additional Documents","RESTRICTIONS":"You can upload one file for each document type","PREVIOUS":"Select from previously uploaded files","OPTIONS_HEADER":"Or, upload a new document using one of the following:"},"DOC_TYPES":{"OTHER":"Other","CERTIFICATIONS":"Certifications","LETTER_OF_RECOMMENDATION":"Letter of Recommendation","EMPLOYEMENT_CERTIFICATE":"Employment Certificate","REFERENCE_LIST":"Reference List","TRANSCRIPT":"Transcript","COVER_LETTER":"Cover Letter","PORTFOLIO":"Portfolio","RESUME":"Résumé","WRITING_SAMPLE":"Writing Sample"},"LINKEDIN":"LinkedIn","INVALID_EMAIL":"You must enter a valid email address","FILE_UPLOAD":"File Upload","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS_REPLY":"Or, reply to the email sent to {{email}} with your resume attached.","MUST":"Please upload or select a saved resume to continue","FILE_SIZE_MAX":"Up to 1","SELECTED":"Upload Selected Document","TYPE_IN_HEADER":"Enter or paste your desired text","UPLOADED_FILES_HEADER":"Uploaded Files","FILE_UPLOADED":"Uploaded","WRONG_MIME_TYPE":"The type of file you are trying to upload is not supported, please try a different one.","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS":"To submit your resume for this position, please complete one of the options below:","TOO_LARGE":"The file you are trying to upload is too large, please verify you are using the right file and try again.","PREVIOUS_HEADER":"Use a previously uploaded resume:","TYPE_IN":"Type-in Resume","APPLY_WITH_COVER_LETTER":"Apply With Cover Letter","LIST":{"NO_FILES":"No documents"},"EMAIL_RESUME_TEMPLATE":{"SUBJECT":"Your job application isn't complete!","BODY":"


Thanks for starting your application to {{companyName}}.

To complete your application you must do one of the following:

Forward an email from your mobile device with your resume attached to {{fromEmail}}


Reply to this email from your laptop or desktop computer with your resume attached.

Thank you for your interest,
The Recruiting Team

"}},"PREVIOUS_RESUME":"Select From Previous Resumes","PREVIOUSLY_UPLOADED":"Previously uploaded documents","EASYAPPLY-LINKEDIN-BUTTON-DESC":"By using LinkedIn we are able to quickly and efficiently pull all profile and job information with a single click.","EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS_FORWARD":"Forward an email with your resume attached to: {{email}}","EASYAPPLY-OTHER-OPTIONS":"Or, one of the following:","EMAIL~OVERRIDDEN~":"Email","EMAIL_LATER":"I'll Send It Later","EMAIL_NOW":"My Resume is Sent"},"NO_CATEGORIES":"No Categories","OURMISSION-1--BG-IMG":"","BOX_1_BACKGROUND":"","AWARDS-6--BG-IMG":"","FACILITY_NAME":"Aiken Physicians Alliance","CTA_HEADER":"You are the key to a healthier world.","EEO":"is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.","REFERRALS":{"TRACK_REFERRAL":{"TILE":{"REFERRAL_EXPIRED":"Your employee referral life cycle has expired. Renew referral now.","REFERRAL_RENEW":"Refer to a new job to renew"}},"REFERRAL_SUCCESS":{"MESSAGE":"You’ve successfully submitted a referral for {{name}} to the {{jobTitle}} position in {{jobLocation}}.","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","TITLE":"Thank You!"},"REFER":{"START":{"BUTTON":"Get Started"},"MODAL":{"CHECK_STATUS":{"EMAIL":"Enter Email"},"START":{"REJECT":"Back","HEADER":"First, let's check your eligibility.","CONFIRM":"Check Email","BODY":"Since there is a limit for 1 referral within 2 years, we need to make sure you’re currently eligible to submit a referral. Enter your employee email below."},"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Not Eligible","BODY":"This person isn't eligible to be referred by you to the {{ title }} position. They have already been recommended before by another employee.","NEW_REFERRAL":"Refer Another Candidate"}}},"TRACK_REFERRALS":{"REFER_SOMEONE_ELSE":"Refer Someone Else","SHOW_MORE":"Show More","INVITED_TO_APPLY":"Invited to apply","REFERRAL_ROLE":{"APP":{"CREATED_AT":"Created at:","STARTED_ON":"Applied on:"}},"CANDIDATE_INFO":{"REFERRED_ON":"Referred On:","REFERRAL_COUNT":"# of Positions:","STATUS":"Status:","EXPIRED_LABEL":"Expired","TITLE":"You Referred","CONNECTED_UNTIL":"Connected Until:"},"HEADER":"You have {{ count }} Referrals","REFERRAL_INFO":{"UPDATED":"Updated"},"PORTAL":{"APPLICATIONS":{"HIRING_FLOW_STEP":{"RECEIVED":{"TITLE":"Referral Received"}}}},"SHOW_LESS":"Show Less"},"SUMMARY":{"TRACK_REFERRALS":"Track All Your Referrals","ACTIVE_REFERRALS":"Active Referrals","LATEST_REFERRAL":"Your Latest Referral"},"MESSAGES":{"ERROR_POPUP":{"TITLE":"Error","BODY":"Error Message. You should probably update the token."}},"SUMMARY_BAR":{"REFERRED_ON_INFO":"On {{date}} for the {{title}} Position in {{location}}"},"MAKE_REFERRAL":{"ABOUT_REFERRAL":"Tell us about your referral","PHONE":"Phone","BACK_BUTTON":"Back","MENTION_NO":"No","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","MENTION_YES":"Yes","FIRST_NAME":"First Name","FIT":"Why is this person a good fit?","SUBMIT_BUTTON":"Submit","MENTION":"Can we mention you when we reach out to this candidate?","TITLE":"Make a Referral","RELATIONSHIP":"What is your relationship to this person?"},"FAQ":{"MORE_FAQ":"More FAQs","ANSWER":{"1":"Test Referral FAQ Answer 1","2":"Test Referral Answer 2","3":"Test referrals faq answer 3","4":"Test faq referrals answer 4"},"HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions","SUBHEADER":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.","QUESTION":{"1":"Test FAQ Question 1","2":"Test Referral Question 2","3":"Testing Referrals Question 3","4":"Test referral faq question 4"}},"TABS":{"SEARCH_REFER":"Search Jobs & Refer","SEARCH":{"BUTTON":"Search Open Jobs"},"INFO_BLOCKS":{"SUB_TITLE":{"1":"Know someone who'd be a great fit?","2":"Follow their progress through the recruitment process."},"TITLE":{"1":"1. Refer","2":"2. Track"},"CONTENT":{"1":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.","2":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet cl*ta kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."}},"LEARN":{"BUTTON":" Learn More "},"ABOUT":"About","REFERRALS":"Your Referrals"},"MAIN":{"BANNER":{"TITLE":"Welcome back, {{fname}} {{lname}}!","HERO":""}},"ABOUT":{"VIDEO":""}},"CAP":{"ADD":{"QUESTION_SET":"Add Additional","ADDITIONALWORKEXPERIENCE":"Add Additional Work Experience"},"SHOW-MORE":"Show More","TOGGLE":{"PROFILE":"Profile","APPLICATIONS":"Applications"},"BUTTON":{"UPDATE_PROFILE":"Update Profile"},"UPDATED":"Updated","CAREER_CENTER":{"EMPTY_FILE_ICON":"","ERROR_BANNER":"","BANNER_IMAGE":"","CAREER_PATHING_BANNER":"","DISCOVERY_ICON1":"","DASHBOARD":{"DISCOVERY_IMAGE":""},"DISCOVERY_ICON2":"","DISCOVERY_ICON3":"","DISCOVERY_BANNER":""},"PERSONAL_INFO_TAB_HEADING":"Personal Information","SHOW-LESS":"Show Less","EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Employment History","PROFILE":{"FACEBOOK":{"URL":"Facebook URL"},"EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Employment History"},"CONTACT":{"METHOD":{"PHONE":"Phone","SMS":"SMS","LABEL":"Best communication method","EMAIL":"Email"},"TIME":{"MORNING":"Morning","EVENING":"Evening","AFTERNOON":"Afternoon","LABEL":"Best time to communicate"}},"RELOCATION":{"PREFERENCE":{"NO":"No","YES":"Yes","LABEL":"Willing to relocate?"}},"LINKEDIN":{"URL":""},"SKILLS":{"CV_PARSING_PROGRESS":"Resume parsing in progress...","NEW":{"ADDED":{"SKILLS":"New added skills"}},"NO_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Start building your skill profile","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"Before we can find any job match, we need you to start adding some skills.","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We cannot find any more suggestions.","CV_PARSING_HEADER":"Skills from your Resume","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_LINK":"/internal/jobs?view=personalization","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"These skills might be a good fit! Click on a suggestion to add it to your profile.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills to complete your profile.","CV_PARSING_FILE_TOOLTIP":"Format: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.odt,.rtf Size: 200mb","YOUR_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Your Skills","ADD_NEW_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Add New Skills","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LIST_NAME":"Suggested Skills List","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION":"Your skills profile reflects who you are so make sure to highlight your strengths!","CURRENT":{"SKILLS":"Current skills"},"SELECT":"Select Type","FILE_TYPES":"File types","JOB_MATCHING_BANNER_DESCRIPTION":"to see jobs matching your profile","TAB":"Skills","NO_SUGGESTED_SKILLS_LINK":"Click here&nbspto update your employment history and get new suggested skills.","UPLOAD_YOUR_CV":"Upload Your Resume","SUGGESTED_SKILLS_SUBHEADER":"Suggested Skills","YOUR_SKILLS_PROFILE_SUBHEADER":"Your Skills Profile","PARSED_SKILLS_MODAL":{"CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_TEXT":"Got It","ADD_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add to Profile","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numSelectedSkills }} selected skills are ready to be added","NO_SKILLS_HEADER":"Oops! We couldn't find any skills to add to your profile.","NO_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"We might find new skills if you update your resume.","CANCEL_SKILL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition","HEADER":"New skills were extracted from your resume!","PARSED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION":"{{ numParsedSkills }} suggested skills","SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION":"Selected skills were successfully added to your profile.","ERROR_DESCRIPTION":"All the skills we could extract from your resume are already listed in your skills profile.","SELECTED_SKILLS_DESCRIPTION_EMPTY":"0 selected skills","DESCRIPTION":"We have found {{ numSkills }} skills that you don't have in your profile. Click all that you consider yours.","ALL_SKILLS_SELECTED_MESSAGE":"All skills are selected, as shown above","PARSED_SKILLS_LIST":"Parsed Skills List","ERROR_HEADER":"Oops! We could not find any new skills.","SELECTED_SKILLS_LIST":"Selected Skills List","ADD_SKILLS_TO_PROFILE_LABEL":"Add {{ numSkills }} Skills","SUCCESS_HEADER":"Congratulations, your skills profile is upgraded!","CANCEL_ADDITION_LABEL":"Cancel Skill Addition"},"CV_PARSING_DESCRIPTION":"Check out the skills hidden in your profile."},"UPDATED":{"SUCCESSFULLY":"Profile updated successfully"},"SETTINGS":{"TAB":"Settings"},"ADDITIONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Additional Info"},"PERSONAL_INFO":{"TAB":"Personal Information","PHONE":"Phone","EMAIL":"Email","LAST_NAME":"Last Name","LOCATION_PREFERENCE":"Work Location Preference","PHONE_TYPE":{"LABEL":"Phone Type","WORK":"Work","CELL":"Cell","HOME":"Home"},"FIRST_NAME":"First Name"},"EMAILS":{"TAB":"Emails & Alerts"},"VALIDATIONS":{"DATE":{"MIN":"Please enter a date after {{date}}.","MAX":"Please enter a date on or before {{date}}.","INVALID":"Please enter a valid date."},"PHONE":"Please enter a valid phone number.","REQUIRED":"This field is required.","EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address."},"EDUCATION_HISTORY":{"TAB":"Education History"},"SAVE_CHANGES":"Save Changes","CONTINUE":"Continue","UNSAVED":{"CHANGES":{"MESSAGE":"There are unsaved changes. If you quit without saving, changes you made will not be saved"}},"CATEGORY":{"LABEL":"Category"},"CANCEL":"Cancel","LEAVE":{"SKILL":{"PROFILE":"Leave skill profile?"}},"SAVE":"Save","NOTIFICATIONS":{"FROZEN":"Your account data is currently frozen. Please unfreeze your data to enable this form."},"TWITTER":{"URL":"Twitter URL"}},"UPLOAD":{"DOCUMENTS":"Your Documents"},"REMOVE":{"QUESTION_SET":"Remove"},"SKIP":"Skip to main content","UNEDITABLE_PROFILE_NOTICE":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact us if you feel any information is wrong.","TIPS-HEADER":"Tips & Guidance","APP-TOTAL":"You have {{param}} job applications","SIDEBAR":{"AUTHOR":"{{param}}"},"CAREER_STUDIO":{"PAGE_NOT_FOUND":{"TITLE":"404","BODY":"We’re sorry, but it looks like this page may be no longer available or does not exist. Please click here to return to the dashboard.","SUBTITLE":"The page you are looking for no longer exists."}},"EDUCATION_HISTORY_TAB_HEADING":"Education History","NOTIFICATION":{"CLOSE":"Close"},"ARTICLE":{"BACK":"Back"},"APPLIED-ON":"Applied on:","APP-DETAILS":"Application Details","SEARCH-JOBS":"Search Jobs","ONBOARDING":{"ROLE":{"EDIT-2":"click here","LOCATION":"based in","EDIT-1":"If your information is not correct, please","JOB-TITLE":"You are a","MAILTO-SUBJECT":"Opportunity Career Place_ profile modification request","MAIN":"

Nice to meet you. 👋


Lets quickly set up your profile


to start having tailored recommendations.

","TITLE":"Let's begin with your profile!","GREETING":"Hey {{firstName}},","MAILTO-BODY":"Hello,%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nAs I am being onboarded on Test957 Opportunity Career Place, it seems my profile is not filled with the right information.%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nGiven information:%0D%0A \n%0D%0A\nCorrect information:","EDIT-4":"Unfortunately, your profile information can’t be edited as of now. Please contact an administrator if you feel any information is wrong.","EDIT-3":"to contact us.","MAILTO-ADDRESS":""},"CAREER":{"GROWTH":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (11)","TEXT":"Highlight your strengths through your skills profile"},"VISIBLE":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (12)","TEXT":"Make your potential visible inside the company"}},"VALUE_PROPOSITIONS":{"TITLE":"Take ownership of your career growth"},"PAGE_LOADER":{"TITLE":"Collecting skills form your profile data…"},"SUGGESTED-SKILLS":{"DIALOG":{"BUTTON":"View job match","TITLE":"Your selection enables us to match your profile against open positions.","CONTENT":"Let’s have a look at it!"},"TEXT-1":"Add skills to your profile to get job recommendations","TEXT-2":"Here are the popular skills for the role of","SUBMIT-BUTTON":"Select {{numberOfSkills}} more skills","TEXT-3":"Select the skills that suit you! You will also be able to complete or change your profile later on the platform."},"INTERNAL":{"OPPORTUNITIES":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (13)","TEXT":"View company’s internal opportunities"}},"WELCOME":{"MEDIA_OR_TEXT":"media or text","MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (14)","TITLE":"Ready to boost your career development?","CONTENT":"Welcome to the Opportunity Career Place!
\nWe have designed this solution to empower your growth at SEQUOIA.
\nWe are excited for you to start a new journey with us.
\nBut first, let’s hear a few words from the peers who have successfully achieved their goals!","NEXT-BTN":"Next"},"SKILLS_KICKSTART":{"NO_SKILLS_INFO":"Running out of skills? Search above to add skills.","SEARCH_SKILLS_PLACEHOLDER":"Search skills..."},"JOB":{"RECOMENDATION":{"MEDIA":"Aiken Physicians Alliance (15)","TEXT":"Get job recommendation that fits you"}}},"FAQ":{"MORE_BUTTON":"MoreFAQs","HEADER":"Frequently Asked Questions"},"APP-WITHDRAW":{"BUTTON_CONFIRM":"Withdraw","DIALOG_BODY":"Are you sure you want to withdraw your application for the position {{jobTitle}}? This cannot be undone.","NOTIFICATION_FAILURE":"Failed to withdraw your application to","NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS":"You have withdrawn your application to","BUTTON_DENY":"Do Not Withdraw","TITLE":"Withdraw Application","TEXTAREA_LABEL":"OPTIONAL: Please explain why you are withdrawing"}},"AWARDS-11--BG-IMG":"","TEST":{"TOKEN":"test token."},"AUTH":{"ERROR":{"ORG":{"NOT":{"FOUND":"Organization was not found(placeholder)"}},"USER":{"NOT":{"REGISTER":"User not register, please try another user."}},"DEFAULT":"Unexpected error, please try again"}},"JOBS_FILTER_TYPE":"Employment Type","LANDING_HERO_BG":"","AWARDS-2--BG-IMG":"","GDPR":{"COOKIE_CONSENT_CLOSE_ICON":"Close","APPLY_CONSENT_BODY":"

This career site protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.


We store anonymized interaction data in an aggregated form about visitors and their experiences on our site using cookies and tracking mechanisms. We use this data to fix site defects and improve the general user experience.


We request use of your data for the following purposes:


Job Application Data


This site may collect sensitive personal information as a necessary part of a job application. The data is collected to support one or more job applications, or to match you to future job opportunities. This data is stored and retained for a default period of 12 months to support job matching or improve the user experience for additional job applications. The data for each application is transferred to the Applicant Tracking System in order to move the application through the hiring process.
\nYou have the right to view, update, delete, export, or restrict further processing of your job application data. To exercise these rights, you can e-mail us at
\nConversion Tracking
\nWe store anonymized data on redirects to the career site that is used to measure the effectiveness of other vendors in sourcing job candidates.

\n\nLearn more about your career site data on our Privacy Policy page.


Consent and Data Privacy

","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","APPLY_CONSENT_DECLINE":"Decline","CLOSE":"x","APPLY_CONSENT_ACCEPT":"Accept","PIXEL_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Do you want a Cookie?","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_DENY":"Decline","THIRDPARTY_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Anonymized data is stored for redirects to the career site tracking successful searches leading to job applications in effort to measure effectiveness of partners in sourcing job candidates and job searches. We request use of anonymized data to improve your experience on our site.","COOKIE_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Okay","THIRDPARTY_CONSENT_BUTTON_ACCEPT":"Accept","CONSENT_BUTTON":"Accept","COOKIE_TRACKING_CONSENT_TEXT":"Cookies are used on this site to assist in continually improving the candidate experience and all the interaction data we store of our visitors is anonymous.\nLearn more about your rights on our Privacy Policy page."},"CRM":{"ISHIRED_FILTER_YES":"Yes","ISHIRED_FILTER_LABEL":"Current Employee","VIP_NAME":"VIP","SEARCH":{"TITLE":"Search"},"GROUP_LABEL":"Group","CANDIDATE_DETAIL":{"REFERRALS_DETAIL":{"SUBHEADER":{"REFERRER":"Referrer"}},"MAIN":{"INVITE_TO_JOIN_HEADER":"Invite to Join Nurture"},"HEADER":{"REFERRALS_TAB":"Referrals"},"BACKGROUND":{"PROFILE":{"MAIN_SECTION_BASIC_INFO_INELIGIBLE_LABEL":"Marked Ineligible Until","CONTACT_UNSUBSCRIBED":"Unsubscribed","CONTACT_SUBSCRIBED":"Subscribed"},"ACTIVITY":{"HIRING_STATUS_DATETIME":"Date/Time"}}},"SETTINGS":{"RECRUITER_MANAGEMENT":{"FORM_INPUT_ATSID_HELPER_TEXT":"This is located in Recruit on the top left the User Profile. It's also located on the Person Reporting page under \"Reporting & Advanced Options - General\" as \"System ID\".","FORM_INPUT_ATSID_PLACEHOLDER":"iCIMS System ID"}},"PIPELINE_LABEL":"Pipeline","RESULTS_TABLE":{"CURRENT_ROLE_HEADER":"Current Role"},"ADD_EDIT":{"ELIGIBILITY_INFORMATION":{"COUNTRIES_TITLE":"Which Countries?","FLUENT_TITLE":"Fluent Languages"},"SOCIAL_LINKS":{"TITLE":"Websites"}},"SCORE_LABEL":"Score","CANDIDATE_AUTH_LABEL":"Candidate Authenticated","PIPELINES_LABEL":"Pipeline","ISHIRED_FILTER_NO":"No","REFERRAL_SOURCE_NAME":"Referral Source","CANDIDATE_GENERATED":"Candidate Generated","CONSENT":{"TEXT":"CONSENT_VERSION={1.0.0}\n

This application protects your privacy by adhering to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Jibe will not use your data for any purpose to which you do not consent.\n


We request use of your data for the following purposes:\n

\n User Authentication\n


\n This site retains personally identifiable information, specifically e-mail addresses, as a necessary part of user login. This data is retained for the duration of the user profile lifecycle and enables user authentication.\n


\n Usage Analytics\n


We store anonymized usage data to measure and improve the effectiveness of this CRM application in filling job requisitions and managing talent communities.\n


\n E-mails to Candidates\n


We collect your personal information such as name and email address. This information is used when you send marketing or contact emails to candidates.\n\n

\nClick here for a link to our Privacy Policy page."},"RECRUITER_GEN_LABEL":"Recruiter Generated","RECRUITER_GENERATED":"Recruiter Generated","JOB":{"RECRUITER":"Recruiter","HIRING_MANAGER":"Hiring Manager"}},"DATEPICKER":{"JANUARY":"January","JUNE":"June","MAY":"May","OCTOBER":"October","TODAY":"Today","DECEMBER":"December","FEBRUARY":"February","SEPTEMBER":"September","NOVEMBER":"November","SELECT_YEAR":"Select Year","MARCH":"March","AUGUST":"August","JULY":"July","APRIL":"April"},"FACILITY_LOGO":"","HERO_HEADER":"Join Our Team","SIGNUP":{"GROUP":{"PERSONALINFORMATION":{"LABEL":"Personal Information"},"EMPLOYERSEEKING":{"LABEL":"Employer Seeking"},"SKILLS":{"LABEL":"Skills"},"EMPLOYMENTHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Employment History"},"EDUCATIONHISTORY":{"LABEL":"Education History"}}},"COMPLETE":{"TRACKING_PIXELS":""},"https://cms":{"jibecdn":{"com/prod/uhs/assets/OPENGRAPH-IMAGE-en-us-1570128598515":{"jpg":""}}},"PROFILE":{"NO_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"You have not completed any applications","UNABLE":"We were unable to retrieve your submitted applications. Try refreshing the page.","LOGOUT_ERROR":"There was an error logging out. Please try again.","MANAGE_PROFILE":"Manage Profile","HEADER":"User Profile","COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS":"Completed Applications"},"KENEXA":{"ERROR_MESSAGE":{"QUESTIONS":{"328":"The username/Email was not recognized. Please check the spelling and try again."},"FORGOT":{"16":"The answer to your security question must be less than 50 characters.","211":"Your new password must not be the same as a recently used password.","212":"Password cannot be the same as the username.","243":"You have attempted to change your password twice within a 24hrs period. For your security, password changes are only allowed once per day. Please wait 24hrs to reset your password again.","251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","253":"Your password must not be the same as any of the 5 preceding passwords.","404":"Incorrect Security Answer."},"CREATE":{"251":"Password must be at least eight characters.","252":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\\\"?/|\\\\`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","311":"Your log in credentials cannot be validated. You may have created an account in the past, if so please click the 'forgot your password' link to reset your password.","315":"Your password may not be the same as your login e-mail address.","319":"Your password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {}[],.<>;:'\"?/|`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=.","320":"Your password must be between 8 and 25 characters.","322":"Invalid Security Question.","327":"Your username must not include the following characters: < >.","404":"The answers you provided do not match the answers to your security questions. Please try again.","428":"Security questions and answers must be unique."},"LOGIN":{"202":"Unable to find that email/password in the system.","203":"The account has been locked out due to excessive invalid login attempts. Please try again later.","204":"The login was successful; however, a password reset is required.","205":"The site requested is inactive or does not exist."}},"SECURITY":{"ANSWER":{"LABEL":"Security Answer"},"QUESTION":{"1":"What is the name of your first school?","2":"Where is your favorite vacation spot?","3":"What is your mother's maiden name?","4":"What is your first pet’s name?","5":"What is the first car you owned?","6":"What is the name of your favorite restaurant?","7":"What is your paternal grandfather’s first name?","8":"What is your father’s middle name?","9":"What is the city of your first school?","10":"What is the name of the street on which you lived when you were 5 years old?","LABEL":"Security Question"}},"RESET":{"SUBMIT":"Reset Password","HEADER":"Password Recovery"}},"SEARCH_HERO_BG":"","JIBE1_ERROR":{"AP107":"New Password cannot be shorter than 8 characters.","AP106":"Please supply the correct Current Password.","AP109":"New Password must contain at least one lowercase character (a-z).","AP108":"New Password cannot be longer than 20 characters.","AP110":"New Password must contain at least one uppercase character (A-Z).","AP101":"Your username or password is incorrect.","AP112":"New Password must contain at least one special character character (~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =).","AP111":"New Password must contain at least one numeric character (0-9).","CC103":"The maximum number of requests has been exceeded.","AP103":"There is no email address registered to this user account.","CC102":"Your account has been locked.","AP102":"The login identifier is invalid.","AP113":"New Password can contain only the following characters (a-Z, A-Z, 0-9) and these symbols: ~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) - _ + =","CC101":"The applicant profile with this email address already exists.","AP105":"You are not permitted to change your password.","AP104":"The New Password Confirmation does not match the New Password."},"VHS":{"TALENT_COMMUNITY":{"SUBHEADER":"Stay connected for the latest jobs and careers at The Valley Health System"}},"CTA_SUBHEADER":"Varius Odio Nec","BOX_2_COPY":"Pulla vulputate turpis urna, vel egestas diam aliquet non. Proin sit amet pellentesque dui.","FACILITY_DISCLAIMER":"is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc., a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.\n

\nUHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to \"UHS\" or \"UHS facilities\" including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services' subsidiaries. Further, the terms \"we,\" \"us,\" \"our\" or \"the company\" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.","OURMISSION-2--BG-IMG":"","JIBE_SIGNUP_SUBMIT":"Submit","NO_LOCATIONS":"No locations","BOX_4_HEADER":"Physicians","APPLY":{"COMPLETE_RESUME_GOOGLE":"Your resume from Google Drive was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_1_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","SELECT_LIST_PLACEHOLDER":"Select..","INFO_PAGE":{"PLEASE_VERIFY":"A message has been sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions to verify your email address."},"COMPLETE_RESUME_TEXT":"The resume you entered was attached to your application.","COMPLETE_RESUME_DEFAULT":"If you uploaded a resume, it was attached to your application.","SUBMIT_QUESTION_ERROR":"There was an error submitting this question, please try again.","VERIFY":{"ERROR":{"HEADER":"Verification Issue","BODY":"

There was an error verifying your account. Please click here to return home and try again.

"}},"COMPLETE_HEADER":"Your application for {{jobTitle}} has been successfully submitted! ","COMPLETE_SURVEY_POPUP":"We are currently conducting a survey based on your recent application/recruiting experience. We value your feedback, and would appreciate if you took just a few moments to respond to a few questions","OPTIONAL":"Optional","REPEAT_QUESTION":"Add Another","UPLOAD_RESUME_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your resume.","COMPLETE":{"UNVERIFIED":""},"ASSESSMENT_URL_FAILURE":"Assessment Not Received","COMPLETE_RESUME_LINKEDIN":"Your Linkedin profile was attached to your application.","EMAIL_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a valid email address","GO_HOME":"Careers Home","REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR":"Required","COMPLETE_RESUME_DROPBOX":"Your resume from Dropbox was attached to your application.","DATE_FORMAT_2_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/YYYY.","PROGRESS_HEADER":"Your Progress","DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format YYYY.","COMPLETE_MESSAGE":"A member of our Talent Acquisition Team will review your application, and contact you if your skills and experience match the position requirements. We invite you to view the job openings available in our Career section and to further explore the functionalities of your account.

\nBack To Search","SELECT_LIST_LABEL":"form dropdown select","ASSESSMENT_HEADER":"You are almost done...just a few more steps to go!","ASSESSMENT_URL_SUCCESS":"Assessment URL Received {{assessmentUrl}} ","COMPLETE_RESUME_SKYDRIVE":"Your resume from SkyDrive was attached to your application.","EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is associated with a profile. An email has been sent for you to access your profile dashboard.","ALREADY_EXISTING_EMAIL_ERROR":"This email is already associated with a profile.","COMPLETE_RESUME_EMAIL":"If you have not emailed your resume yet, please check your inbox and follow the instructions emailed to you to expedite your application submission.","KNOCKOUT_MESSAGE":"Thank you for your interest in this position. Based on your application, we have determined that you are not eligible at this time. If you feel this is a mistake, you can go back and update your application.","UPLOAD_SUCCESS":"Upload Success","TYPE_FOR_RESULTS":"Type for results","DATE_FORMAT_3_VALIDATOR_ERROR":"Please enter a date in format MM/DD/YYY.","KNOCKOUT_HEADER":"You are not eligible for this position.","UPLOAD_CV_ERROR":"There was an error uploading your cover letter.","REMOVE_QUESTION":"Remove","ASSESSMENT_MESSAGE":"


You are about to enter an assessment system which is proprietary software developed and produced by Kenexa Technology, Inc. The content in this questionnaire has been developed by Kenexa Technology, Inc., Kenexa’s Suppliers and/or Yum Restaurant Services Group, Inc.’s (“Company”) third party content providers and is protected by International Copyright Law. Under no condition may the content be copied, transmitted, reproduced or reconstructed, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without express written consent by Kenexa Technology, Inc. or the applicable third party content provider. Under no circ*mstances will Kenexa Technology, Inc. be responsible for content created or provided by Company’s third party content providers.



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About Aiken Physicians Alliance

Aiken Physicians Alliance provides dedicated primary and specialty care for you and your family. Our family medicine providers are devoted to treating the whole person and provide comprehensive care for people of all ages. Our specialists are highly trained and experienced and work as part of an interdisciplinary team to provide care to patients. Aiken Physicians Alliance offers Primary Care, Cardiology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pulmonology and Urology Care. You will work with a Care Team of physicians, advanced practitioners and staff providing compassionate and quality care. We have a welcoming environment and believe in strong team engagement.

Aiken Physicians Alliance is affiliated with Aiken Regional Medical Centers, a 273-bed acute care facility offering a comprehensive range of specialties and services. Aiken Regional Medical Center has been ranked a top hospital in South Carolina by the Carolina Center for Medical Excellence for its treatment of heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia and has been recognized as an “A” rated facility by the Leapfrog Group.

Aiken, South Carolina, named 2018 “Best Small Town in the South” by Southern Living magazine, is the perfect place for young professionals, growing families and retirees. With an annual average of 216 sunny days per year, there’s ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.

Aiken is ideally located a short two-hour drive to the beaches, mountains and major metropolitan areas. We also have easy access to airports in Augusta, Columbia, and Atlanta.

Also recognized by Southern Living as one of the South’s best food cities, Aiken offers a variety of unforgettable culinary experiences. In addition to its culinary delights, Aiken’s vibrant historic Downtown area features quaint shops and entertainment. The Alley Downtown hosts fun festivals and concert series year-round.

Aiken’s arts scene is rich with talent featuring diverse local, national and international visual and performing artists. Aiken is a modern cosmopolitan, immersed in charm and history. Aiken really is the South’s best small town. Come join us.

Join Our Team

Your passion, inspiration and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. Our facility can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development.

Quality healthcare is our passion, improving lives is our reward. We are working to change lives and transform the delivery of healthcare. In this endeavor, we uphold the following values:

Patients are our top priority

We are determined to be responsive and compassionate to the needs of those in our care.

Uncompromised standards

We are dedicated to the highest standards of quality, talent and ethics.

Community Investment

We are committed to meeting the diverse needs of the communities we serve.

Employee Benefits

Aiken Physicians Alliance offers healthcare, life insurance and disability benefits to help meet the needs of employees and their families. As our employee, you may be eligible to choose from a comprehensive list of benefits and select those that best meet the needs of you and your family. Among the benefits available to eligible employees are:

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Aiken Physicians Alliance is operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, PA-based company that is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services.

UHS is a registered trademark of UHS of Delaware, Inc., a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to “UHS” or “UHS facilities” including any statements, articles or other publications contained herein which relates to healthcare or management operations is referring to Universal Health Services’ subsidiaries. Further, the terms "we," "us," "our" or "the company" in such context similarly refer to the operations of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc. Any reference to employment at UHS or employees of UHS refers to employment with one of the subsidiaries of Universal Health Services, Inc.

Aiken Physicians Alliance is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), genetic information, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.

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Aiken Physicians Alliance (2024)


Who owns Aiken Hospital? ›

Aiken Regional Medical Centers is owned and operated by Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, Pennsylvania-based company, which is one of the largest private healthcare management companies in the United States.

Who is the CEO of Aiken Regional Hospital? ›

Matt Merrifield - Aiken Regional Medical Centers | LinkedIn.

How many beds does Aiken Regional Medical Center have? ›

Hospital History

Aiken Regional Medical Center is a 273 licensed- bed acute care hospital that has serviced Aiken and its surrounding counties since 1917.

Does Aiken have a hospital? ›

Aiken Regional Medical Centers, located in Aiken, South Carolina, is a 273-bed acute care facility providing quality healthcare to the residents of Aiken and surrounding communities.

When did the old Aiken hospital close? ›

The county hospital remained here until 1976 when a new hospital was built. The old hospital building was then utilized by the Aiken County government as administrative space until the new Aiken County Complex was completed in 2014.

Who owns American hospitals? ›

In the US, ownership of the healthcare system is mainly in private hands, though federal, state, county, and city governments also own certain facilities.

Who is the chief nursing officer of Aiken Regional Medical Center? ›

Aiken (S.C.) Regional Medical Center has tapped Cathy Sumner, MSN, RN to lead the system as its chief nursing officer, according to a Jan. 5 announcement. Since 2021, Ms.

Who owns Sharon Regional hospital? ›

Steward Health Care System, the parent company of Sharon Regional Medical Center's, owes $50 million in unpaid rent to a company that owns most of its buildings.

Who owns Hudson Regional hospital? ›

Yan Moshe, Hudson's owner, will serve as the new organization's chairman and Achintya Moulick, CarePoint Health's CEO, will be chief executive and president of the new group, Hudson Health, according to the announcement.

What is the mission statement of Aiken Regional Medical Center? ›

At Aiken Regional Medical Centers, our mission is simple: to strengthen the health of our community through compassionate, quality care. We take this seriously — and it shows.

How many beds does Weatherford Regional Medical Center have? ›

Identification and Characteristics
Name and Address:Weatherford Regional Hospital 3701 East Main Street Weatherford, OK 73096
Total Staffed Beds:25
Total Patient Revenue:$49,289,234
Total Discharges:561
Total Patient Days:2,352
9 more rows

How many beds does Carolinas medical Center have? ›

Identification and Characteristics
Name and Address:Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center 1000 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203
Type of Control:Governmental Hospital District
Total Staffed Beds:1,287
Total Patient Revenue:$11,281,581,978
Total Discharges:58,050
9 more rows

What level of trauma is Aiken hospital? ›

As a Level IV Trauma Center, Aiken Regional is able to provide advanced trauma life support which includes evaluation, stabilization and diagnostic capabilities for injured patients.

Who owns Aiken Regional hospital? ›

That's the promise of Aiken Regional Medical Centers (ARMC). The hospital is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), a King of Prussia, Pa. -based company that is one of the leading healthcare management companies in the nation.

What is UNM hospital known for? ›

UNM Health is New Mexico's only Level I Trauma Center—we care for patients with the most complex conditions from across the state. Additionally, we are the first NIH-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and award-winning Advanced Care Stroke Center.

Who bought Seton Medical Center? ›

Verity continued to operate the facility. On April 22, 2020, bankruptcy courts approved the sale of Seton Medical Center and Seton Coastside to AHMC Healthcare for $40 million.

Who bought O Connor hospital? ›

On March 1, 2019, the County officially assumed ownership of O'Connor Hospital in San José, Saint Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy, and De Paul Health Center in Morgan Hill.

Who owns North Texas Medical Center? ›


NTMC is operated by Community Hospital Corporation and owned by Gainesville Hospital District.


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.